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Trouble making male friends

Trouble making male friends

I had tight group of friends during and after college, most of whom were my roommates for a few years. We were red pill before the word existed. Bang contests every month, stripper pole & hot tub in our apartment. If someone got a girlfriend we would all push each them to keep smashing stuff on the side - to the point that it was basically impossible not to cheat. It was tough love too - if someone acted beta or was out of line they got called out for it, regardless of whether they wanted to hear it at the time.

I took it for granted at the time but damn we were loyal to each other. If there was a fat girl in a group of girls that looked likely to cockblock, someone would always step up to the plate and fall on the grenade to make sure the rest of us had a shot with the hot girls, no matter how gross. It wasn't an issue, the cockblock always got handled. We all worked as hard to get each other laid as we did for ourselves. And it wasn't just pussy this "code" extended to. If there was a beef with one of us, you had beef with all of us, which was bad news because nearly every guy was a current or former bouncer. We always helped each other get jobs/gigs - if one guy lined up a job at a bar that was a pussy factory, everyone else was working there in short order. When it came time to apply to real world jobs/internships we were working on each other's resumes/applications. There was a wide range of ages in the crew so the young guys benefited from the advice of the older dudes.

Everything was solid after college, but as years passed more guys moved to different parts of the country for work. The real killer though was my two best friends got wrapped up in some shit and ended up having to peace out of the USA altogether a few years ago. I have no contact with them (for good reason) but losing them was rough to say the least.

I make friends now as of yet I've been unable to replicate anything close to the same of trust or red-pill thinking among friends that I did in the past. I'm certainly not bitching, you gotta play the hand you are dealt and I could probably do a better job of re-building. I've continued to do well in life without a solid crew, and it has been good to learn to adapt. There's definitely a certain resilience that is built moving forward on your own. But all things equal, I can certainly say I prefer having a tight red-pill crew around a lot more than I do going without one. You can't beat that feeling of camaraderie when you have a solid crew of competent players and are all working as a unit to slay pussy.

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