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Donating to charity/feeling good about yourself

Donating to charity/feeling good about yourself

Yeah I gave $20 to one charity a few years ago, and they've spent at least that much sending me a mailing every month asking for more $$. Never donating to them again -- check into places to see how much is spent on admin and fundraising.

To me, I'd say focus on direct impact. For example, food banks take donations of money or food. Some use all your $$ to buy food (labor is volunteers). Or just go to your local grocery store, stock up, then drop it off at the food bank. You're making a big and direct impact, and 100% is going to those who need it.

Also just ask around for people in your extended circle to see if anyone needs help. Go buy clothes or toys for a kid, etc.

Once you get to the higher level of donations to certain charities, they'll no longer solicit you with mailings all the time. I donate a good amount to one nonprofit and they have a person who I communicate with directly and meet with, and that's the only time donations will be brought up. No phone calls during dinner, etc.

Remember small things can make a difference too. Tip well, for example.

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