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Donating to charity/feeling good about yourself

Donating to charity/feeling good about yourself

Quote: (09-11-2013 06:02 PM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

Great thread.

I believe that becoming a giver is the highest level a man, or any human being for that matter can achieve. Personally, I am far from this ideal. Have been selfish all my life. Something in my nature I would like to change.

I really have no excuses anymore. How did you guys get started on becoming a more giving person? Or were you just born that way?

The best thing is to just start. Some people seem to be more naturally inclined toward giving than others. My ex-wife will back me up on the claim that I am NOT a giving person naturally. But like most other things, once you get started and keep at it, you can build on it.

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