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Donating to charity/feeling good about yourself

Donating to charity/feeling good about yourself

I'd heard for years that regular giving is supposed to make you a better person, and somehow that things work out your way because of it. I give 10% of each paycheck away. I don't get much of a feeling out of it, if anything, but somehow things work out for me. I gave when I was on unemployment, and over the past summer when I lost 20% of my pay for 6 weeks in the middle of a divorce.

I believe since I give, somehow it comes back to me. Maybe not dollar for dollar. When my paycheck was due to drop 20%, I was freaking out. Somehow it worked out each paycheck that I had just enough to cover my obligations, and an emergency or two. Then people started paying me to help them with yard work and projects, so even though my paycheck was down, I always had cash in my pocket for beer and eating out.

But I get no feeling. I do it more for pragmatic reasons; because I believe it's the right thing to do.

I agree with Grizzly. Most charities are crap. They either have too much overhead, invest in things that aren't even relevant to the giver (like Komen gives a lot of money to Planned Parenthood, which has NOTHING to do with breast cancer). Some charities are dubious, and you have no idea how your money will actually help anybody. I had someone ask if I wanted to donate to Children's Hospital. I started asking about the business structure. He couldn't answer. If Children's Hospital is a for profit, why do they need my donation?

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