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Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

I am of Indian descent as well, but I have spent a lifetime thinking that's a negative when it comes to pulling decent tail, which is white girls if you live in the Free World (sarcasm on max). It helps if you are not below average height or have the stereotypical Indian body/face. On the other hand, the Caribbean Indians (Guyana, Trinidad,etc.) are definitely swag, and for some strange reason, their women are rocking in many a case. Personally, if I hadn't seen it, I would never have believed a woman of Indian ancestry could be hot, but some, very few mind you, are.

If I had to lie, I would say I am from the Carib. If you don't have the accent, most people will know anyway you are more like Kumar, and perhaps offer you some doobie. I think some people, like countries and religions, are more socially astute. Seeming a certain way doesn't actually mean you are that way. People tend to believe first that which reinforces their deep seated views and biases. However, if you are willing to present a coherent, consistent alternative picture, people will come around unless they are too invested in the former story.

For instance, I expect Spaniards will likely see the Arab Spring as the legitimate aspirations of Arab and Muslim people for politically progressive government and better administration, despite centuries of colonial oppression and interference. That is the logical response. However, good luck selling that to hardcore Zionists in Texas. To come around to the version would be to allow non-whites are as human and civilized. Not happening, not really, not even if they say that to your face. Bald faced lying is acceptable from the rich and powerful in all civilized and free societies, the Coalition of the Fibbing. And that is the example they set.

You can't please everyone and lying about yourself may hurt your self esteem, lessening your chances with women who might actually like you in spite of your savage and heathen origins. Do you really want to spend time with someone who considers you less of a person from the get-go? I know it is difficult in most Western English speaking countries because the women are pretty ignorant (as are the men), but being slightly more selective is better than lying outright. If you don't value yourself enough and think people are just pieces of meat to be manipulated into having sex, don't despair when people see you as just that.

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