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Hot girl wonders if she should trade up

Hot girl wonders if she should trade up

A hot girl wonders if she should use her looks to get a guy with more money or stay with the poor nice guy who been there for her.

No suprises here ...

Why not look for someone more confident and richer? Cash in on your looks when you're young and hot. It's not like you can't also look for someone you get along with. It seems like common sense ... but of course the article advises the usual PC crap. What's interesting is that a few of the commenters are right on the money.

Maybe a richer guy would be more likely to cheat but really, isn't a rich shlub better for a hot chick than anything else? It's the only way a girl can get access to wealth and power and loyalty .. unless she plans to climb the corporate ladder or start a business. I say bravo to this chick. She sees the world as it is and correctly wonders if she's short-changing herself while she still has a chance to do something about it.

Average-looking girls don't even have the luxury of making this calculation. Check out the comment from TorontoChick [Image: confused.gif]

"Wow. Maybe it's because I'm average-looking, but I actually think you are a terrible person. I hope you have a cigarette habit that finds you with raisinface and genetics that find you with warts as you grow older."

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