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How to deflect dinner date requests?

How to deflect dinner date requests?

This is an excellent topic. In addition to the financial commitment, I find table service dinner dates to be stiff and formal. Just in terms of body position, I think its far more advantageous to be sitting next to (bar) than across from (dinner) your date. Having to deal with the server is also distracting. In terms of paying, I feel like if I am hitting on the girl and asking her out, then I should pay. It is striking though how few and/or haphazard the offers to chip in are. What I really feel like saying is, "We can go out for drinks and I'll pay, or we can go out to dinner and split the bill, up to you." It's probably also part personality defect on my part but, I don't really enjoy being in restaurants. Even if I'm going out to dinner with my family, I don't have the feeling like I want to lounge around at the table. When I'm done eating I want to leave.

On a side note, what is with all these chumps taking whack chicks out for 4 and 500 dollar dinners on the first date. I always like to probe my date a little on how her previous experiences have been, and I am hearing story after story of accomplished successful men, albeit socially awkward, taking out 5's and 6's to opulent meals on the first date for no reason. This has also been confirmed by a couple of mediocre chicks I go to school with. This chick at school, who actually has a decent personality, went on about how "just drinks" makes it seem like the girl isn't worth dinner. No shit she isn't worth dinner, it's the first date, I haven't met her yet. (Online dating)

Anyway, to answer your question, the best way I have found to avoid dinner is to say you have an engagement (class until...meeting until...)and wont be able to meet until 830-9, or a time late enough where it's too late for dinner. Guess that won't work for you Europeans.

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