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Indian UFC ! Cringeworthy & pathetic

Indian UFC ! Cringeworthy & pathetic

SMH at me wanting to see some cute brown ring girls ... Of course they have where girls doing that over there.

The diet is a cop out. It's a cultural and circumstance thing. You trek to Sheikh parts and dudes are jacked out of their minds and I have met a a bunch of Sri Lankan dudes whom got no issues lifting and knocking dudes out. You go farther east in Asia and those folks whom have a myth of being some how super physical deficient in comparison to others excel at many sports.

Even poverty can't be blamed as the poorest villages and shack towns pump out soccer an baseball tablet in Africa and Latin America respectively. It cultural. Because it seems per there people would rather chill and be spoiled by their mothers versus playing soccer in the streets.

Here in Canada you have a shit ton of South Asian Men playing hockey from the GTA. In 10 years or less I predict a Sidney Crosby level of player will exist from that community and will take the league by storm. It's long over due. I just think they culturally never found sports important or held any special sport in high regard other then cricket. I wonder since of its colonial past if Rugby had its time over there as a high quality sport?

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