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Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

I don't consider myself all that attractive and I'm certainly past my athletic prime as a nocturnal vampire in search of nubile necks to bite on. Think Jordan with the Wizards in his final year, icing down his creaky, swollen knees after every game, instead of a young MJ putting up 60 at the Garden.

Given these facts, I try to put AS MUCH of the external odds in my favor as possible so that I can get maximum quality with the absolute minimum amount of effort. No more reckless drives to the basket and trying to get the And-1 with contact. I like the nice pump fake in the post followed by the easy bank shot.

The easiest places for me are towns where:
1. I dress more fashionably that 95% of guys
2. I have more purchasing power than 95% of the guys
3. Guys like myself are rare and considered exotic
4. I live in a cool flat in a posh part of the city
5. I have access to people, networks, and events that are far off the well-trodden tourist foot path

Given all this, I used to put Estonia and Lithuania at the top of my list. France is also at the top of the list, but not as a tourist. Times are changing quickly though, and what was paradise in the past may no longer be the next year.

The one advice I would give to guys is to always think "What would a typical average horny tourist like me do?"

Then go and do the OPPOSITE of that.

For example, many guys will sit in their flats all evening long, drinking beer until around 10-11pm, when they saunter out looking to "hit the bars/clubs" with all the other chumps.

Stop this. Instead, do the leg work ahead of time, but not as the creepy desperado opening random women on the street next to the McDonalds all day long. Rather:

Go to the university and talk to students in the student cafe and attend some relevant lectures or events that fit into your area of expertise.

Go meet some law firms and introduce yourself, saying you're looking for a good lawyer for some business deals you want to put together.

Go talk to some real estate brokers, and ask them to show you the housing market.

Go to the bank, and inquire about opening a bank account as a foreign citizen.

Go to the art museum, ask them if there are any exhibition openings that weekend.

Go to the theater, ask them if there are any English language plays. No? Go anyways and ask a girl if you can sit next to her and she can whisper translations into your ear.

I can go on and on, but at any of these places, esp. in Cetral/Eastern Europe/The Baltics, you will find educated, beautiful, romance-seeking women who you will likely NEVER MEET in bars/clubs.

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