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Woman Did A Try Out For The NFL And Failed Miserably

Woman Did A Try Out For The NFL And Failed Miserably

I don't know if I should laugh or cray at this. I personally am not a big fan of the NFL but reading this, really upset me. Why are these cunts thinking that they can get into a very physical, at times violent and viril sport? When is the insanity going to stop? When are men going to say enough is enough? Are we going to now review and adjust the rules of such a manly sport in order to make it possible for members of the weaker sex to participate in as well? I don't mind and I'm all for them having a league of only women in whatever sport their heart desires but coming and polluting the men leagues? Give me a break! You know it's gone way too far when you see shit like that. Is there any hope of a reversal and seeing sanity taking over all this insanity all around North America? I'm an optimistic person by nature but here, I have my doubts as to whether the men in charge will have the balls to put an end to all this madness...

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