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Woman Did A Try Out For The NFL And Failed Miserably

Woman Did A Try Out For The NFL And Failed Miserably

I don't know if I should laugh or cray at this. I personally am not a big fan of the NFL but reading this, really upset me. Why are these cunts thinking that they can get into a very physical, at times violent and viril sport? When is the insanity going to stop? When are men going to say enough is enough? Are we going to now review and adjust the rules of such a manly sport in order to make it possible for members of the weaker sex to participate in as well? I don't mind and I'm all for them having a league of only women in whatever sport their heart desires but coming and polluting the men leagues? Give me a break! You know it's gone way too far when you see shit like that. Is there any hope of a reversal and seeing sanity taking over all this insanity all around North America? I'm an optimistic person by nature but here, I have my doubts as to whether the men in charge will have the balls to put an end to all this madness...

Woman Did A Try Out For The NFL And Failed Miserably

Publicity stunt.


"The NFL opened this amazing door for me. I am a young entrepreneur. I have created a product geared toward professional athletes and I would be a lousy businesswoman if I didn't seize this once-in-a-lifetime platform."

I can't have sex with your personality, and I can't put my penis in your college degree, and I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams, so why are you sharing all this information with me?

Woman Did A Try Out For The NFL And Failed Miserably

Though it wasn't obvious from the title of the thread, we're discussing this here:

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Woman Did A Try Out For The NFL And Failed Miserably

My bad, I didn't see that other thread.

Woman Did A Try Out For The NFL And Failed Miserably

This shit pisses me off. And the reason it happens is because women no longer have any clue how much stronger men are than them.

Since men no longer get into fights with each other - and because they are no longer allowed to hit women (which is absolutely correct of course) they have lost all conception of how weak they are. I always find it annoying when I hear a girl has taken a self-defense class and now thinks she would stand any chance in protecting herself from a guy. Because they have never experienced the sheer savage brutality that men are capable of - they are like an animal trainer who has worked with a lion for years and has developed a false sense of confidence. I always advise women they should either carry a weapon or be prepared to run. Under no circumstances should they ever try and fight a guy.

Anyway - we should expect all this to happen more often. More and more women will think they can mix it with men in sports like this one. And all because they have literally no clue of how much weaker, less agressive and less violent than men they are.

Woman Did A Try Out For The NFL And Failed Miserably

VP, I also read this. The first thing that came to mind was a 260 pound monster linebacker who runs a 4.5 40, making it through the line on a 4th down punt and just plowing the shit out of this female kicker. I seriously cannot imagine them dealing with that.

As you said, we'd probably have to adjust the NFL rules--no defense on kicks.

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