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Props to the text messaging guide - and a question

Props to the text messaging guide - and a question

At the very least calling would have clued you in to her interest for you, she didn't seem to be too hot for you in the first place.


and then she goes "I don't do that anymore" "I have to get to know you better"

"I don't do that anymore." You say "Do what?" "I'm not doing anything... get your head out of the gutter." As you slide your hands over her ears and go for a kiss.

"I have to get to know you better" You say "I agree we should get to know each other better." And then you take off her shirt. She'll protest again, "That's not what I mean!" You say "And what do you think I mean?"

Then she says "I'm not having sex tonight." You say "Of course we're not having sex tonight." And you keep her held against you. She'll retort, "Then why do you keep trying to have sex with me?" You say, "I'm not trying to have sex with you... I'm just getting to know you better."

Etc. keep escalating + parrying her responses by agreeing and escalating.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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