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Oneitus/Breakup Blog

Oneitus/Breakup Blog

I have scoured the interwebs for a solid red pill break up blog or a oneitus cure for alphas and betas alike; but I have failed to find one.

In a nutshell, I started dating a girl whom I believed to be the "love of my life" or "the only one for me". You guys know how that goes.

Letting myself turn into a beta piece of shit I got my heart broken. I put on weight. I lost friends. She ended up with another guy I knew pretty well. I'd see it in public. My image was shit. etc.etc. etc. Depression and resentment ensued.

4 years later I own my own business, have fucked over 100 girls in the interrim between then and now, worked part time as an athletic model, will graduate with honors, have a very solid group of friends with great connections, have lived abroad, traveled extensively, and acquired a general love for life and people.

I feel that if I were to have discovered a blog or a mapped out recovery guide like the one I am contemplating constructing; I believe my results would have been expedited.

As mentioned before; females get coddled and nursed back almost instantly. Us men, have nothing; no one.

I want to provide these young men (possibly older divorcees as well) a safety net as well as a light at the end of the tunnel.

During the break up stage you do not necesarily need to stomach the "red pill" right away; but moreso discover oneself and become the man you should have been all along. Which, may or may not be, what the red pill is (in essence).

This is no MRA or MGTOW bullshit who hate on women or bitch about how unfair marriage is. It will be noted, but not harped on.

I just hate seeing great men fall and never get back up.

What do you guys think?

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