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Oneitus/Breakup Blog

Oneitus/Breakup Blog

Quote: (12-27-2012 02:24 PM)Cruisen_Chubby Wrote:  

Do you think there could be a possible following for such a thing? Or does a prominant red-pill break up blog exist?

I went through a horrible breakup- absolute shit.

Got very depressed and went through a testosterone building man journey to get to the point where I am today.

Do you think telling my story and offering advice to others (mostly young men) about how to deal with such breakups would be usefull to the manosphere community?

There is a lot on game and relationship management; but I don't feel like there is a lot for rebuilding onesself after a devasting loss/hit to the ego.

Would appreciate the input.


Yeah. There are millions of beta guys out there aging themselves before their years over girls who dumped them. And unlike with women, there's no safety net of coddling friends to make them feel better or the option of getting picked up by a random chick at the bar.

One topic you could tackle from the get-go is to demolish all the bullshit "How to Get Your Girlfriend Back" scam artists on the web.

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