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The future of game

The future of game

Quote: (10-10-2012 05:46 PM)Krauser Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2012 04:53 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Day game will never get mainstream... it's too hard.


Also, the quality of modern men is declining at the same rate as the quality of modern women. Pushover emo/hipster/drone chumps are everywhere now. It will get progressively easier to separate yourself from the competition, but unfortunately the pool of targets will shrink too

I disagree with everything getting worse in America-- IF YOU ARE UNDER 35--I am rooming with 3 guys 25-30 in a Northern California college town; and they are all getting laid. Granted they are all middle class or better.

I think the mechanism works like this: the evil feminazis have succeeded so well that most men who haven't studied game are intimidated. Ironically this has caused mass sexual starvation among sub-8 women even of college age. Combined with that is the meme that cool, hot girls are getting laid. I don't think women under 35 feel adequate if they cannot sex from a middle class or better young guy on demand.

So if they're masturbating and your're young and [upper] middle class, they are ready to go. Status is EVERYTHING for women.

Long-legged beauties still strut about with their noses in their iPhones chasing Alphas, but all girls with ANYTHING wrong ( big hips, thinking they're short. etc) are having trouble finding non-intimidated guys THEIR AGE. And they generally won't compromise past 35 on age for ongoing lays with whom they're seen, which is what they want; so if you're under 35 these college towns look great to me.

My three roommates:
One is a frail but quite charming Indian-American, maybe 5'7", law school grad with no money at this point, waiting for his bar exam score, ( no accent, born here). He is screwing a couple white chicks, probably from law school connections, and the fact they cannot get white guys. He is a very skilled conversationalist and very bright, calm , and kind. This is a top 25 law school, and his parents went to college, so he is upper middle class really.

One is a white guy with strange wild staring eyes who is smart and has a girlfriend from Peru, long distance relationship, right now he is downstairs in the living room with a cute 7 American girl who I can tell wants to fuck him but he may be too beta to do it; however she looks so eager I think she's going to make the decision for him. He also has high-status university researcher parents, but walks around with grubby dirty feet and I'm pretty surprised he's in demand. But he's had the nerve to go to Peru, so that's pretty alpha right there.

The other guy is a hilariously stereotypical alpha, maybe 6'4" naturally muscular, musician, told me about his grandfather's vineyards, I think his family is pretty wealthy.
He never does his dishes but I'm too old to argue about that kind of crap. He has a girl who's a slightly chubby (7-8) but with a 9+ cover girl face and skin.

So if you're middle/upper middle class and young, and have SOMETHING on the ball, you're getting it around here( Northern California college town.) If you're a (NFL/NBA/NHL) sports fanatic typical American mainstream guy focused on cars, video gaming, and television stuff, with sort of a dull, poorly articulated conversational style, I think you'd be at a big disadvantage.

All these guys are presentable by chicks to professional parents; as they either have money on the way due to their careers, or via their families, and dudes are top 15% in intelligence, or in the case of the Alpha, maybe have hereditary millions. The law school guy also has a engineering degree and is probably in top 1-2% IQ.

I think a guy even with all the same qualifications over 40-45 need not apply. These girls have to show professional Daddy they got a [white guy] "catch", not an old guy.

Roosh could come here and do great, but maybe not with 9's.

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