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The future of game

The future of game

So from what i'am aware off the community started as the ross jeffries extremely complex and probably mentally unhealthy NLP routines.

We then had "the game" days of mystery method/neil strauss fake it till you make it style of things.

Then came the time where we generally are at right now, with the focus being on am I alpha/ was that beta, pretty sure Roosh and roissy were responsible for that. Definitley the 2 biggest names within that side of the "community".

What iam wondering now is whats gonna come next. Who's ideas have you been looking at of recent and what are your thoughts?

Personally Ive been on a dry spell for the last 4 months since my time of glory in Peru, (doesnt help i get out in the city once every 2 weeks and even then logistics are a cunt).
So i decided i was going to broaden my search for info, and i thank Krauser for both of them.

I think that his mate steve on his blog roll and mark manson whos book models he mentions in his documentry, are probably going to be the ones to bring real dating advice for men to the mainstream. Maybe not, but the clarity of the points they make about what it takes to get women you want was extremely refreshing for me. Areas that are generally ignored by everyone in the dating community were covered in depth. Yes Iam aware theres mixed feeling towards the guy due to him and Roosh being polar opposites on many issues.
Iam not here to idolise anyone, iam here to learn.

Other than that I would also say that some of the vids especially Tylers on Rsdnation are probably bringing about the newest ideas and insights insights about game. I no way recommend that you pay for their over-priced products but it would be ignorant to just ignore what at times is the most up to date info on the subject.

If youv come across anyone thats generally not mentioned who you think may be on to something and share it, it would be appreciated.

The future of game

More men will be approaching during the day because of Sausagefests.

As the ratio's at bars/clubs get worse(and WORSE) I think Day Game is gonna blow up. They'll be more guys selling day game models similar to Krauser, Justin Wayne and Paul Janka.

The future of game

I think Roosh had a post about the future of game. His assessment was that the future of game will be game+fame, which means in order to get ANYTHING, you'll have to be somebody. The owner of a local organic produce store, a drummer in a rock band, whatever.

Check out my occasionally updated travel thread - The Wroclaw Gambit II: Dzięki Bogu - as I prepare to emigrate to Poland.

The future of game

Quote: (10-10-2012 02:40 PM)aphelion Wrote:  

I think Roosh had a post about the future of game. His assessment was that the future of game will be game+fame, which means in order to get ANYTHING, you'll have to be somebody. The owner of a local organic produce store, a drummer in a rock band, whatever.

This. Things are getting tighter, especially in the US. If ugly, fat girls get decent offers, imagine what a legit hot-girl gets. The already substantial amount of work it takes to snare a 7+ will increase and game+fame will become the new model. 7s, which should be bread-and-butter for any day of the week, will expect you to be somebody.

I also agree that day game will get bigger in the coming years, but it will be bad day-game, squeezing true day-gamers like me in unfavorable, sausage-resistance even more. Anti-game laws (under the pretext of harrasment) will passed in US cities, and will be enforced unevenly against beta game-aspirants and ethnic guys trying to bang white girls.

[Image: mindblown.gif]

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The future of game

You naturally envision yourselves continuing to play as you get older.

What was impossible for me to foresee was what it's like to age into the 45+ bracket and start to be regarded as an alien species by 8+ chicks, almost all of whom are sub-30 YOs. After 52 or 53, you're really screwed with those girls-- you're clearly over 45-- and probably most sub-30 year-old 4's and 5's for that matter.

And unlike other game problems like lack of money, inexperience-- aging is a problem that gets worse every day, not better. And time goes by-- subjectively-- faster and faster. I'd say it passes about twice as fast now as when I was 35.

Not to be too gloomy, haha, but you also get more time wasting health problems. Today I have a sore neck and am in no mood to go harass chicks half my age. Another day older and another day gone.

There's really only one long-term answer, and I'm going to be fighting it in EE and Siberia as long as I can-- the answer is:


I'm more attracted to a white 6 than an Asian 8, but the one thing I cannot override is my body's desire for FERTILE women. As I age, I still have close to ZERO attraction for 45+ women. It makes sense biologically-- why invest any effort into a woman that can't reproduce your genes?

The future of game

The future of game will read like a post apocalyptic novel.

1. Obesity- It's getting worse. We concentrate on women here, but guys are porking out also.

2. Emasculation- American men are becoming pussies in all aspects of their life. This leads to:

3. Gender reversal- Men are becoming women and women becoming men.

4. Stupidity- It is already rampant, drawing people to liberal arts. Idiots are breeding faster than those with intelligence.

There's more sub-factors, but these are the main four. What does this mean? In the future, it will be almost impossible to find a worthy male OR female. Those few left will have to drudge through a wasteland of society. We with game will survive, and see the next social shift afterwards, which will be when women realize they want real men, but can't due to what they have become, and what they have made men into.

The future of game

After experiencing abundance and ease with what i'd consider some quality girls in peru, i have no desire to live in any part of the anglosphere without major advantage. Even then it would be for money or some other reason than the women.

My plan is that i will have enough money by next april, to afford a 3 year stint around south east asia. My aim is to fuck as much as possible with as high quality as possible. My other aim is to dedicate myself to becoming the best fighter i can. I will be 21 and spartacus blood and sand gave me the idea as the idea of university or a normal job fucking disgust me.

Even if i just get the shit kicked out of me for 3 years, I will have some tales to tell from it.

Does anyone here actually have friends that do cool shit with their lives. Most people i know from school havnt done a fucking thing worth of note. Even the ones that travel their tales tend to bore.

A large part of my game in future will be being the most interesting person in the venue. At the end of the day its WHO you are thats going to set you apart from other guys.

The future of game

Quote: (10-10-2012 02:40 PM)aphelion Wrote:  

future of game will be game+fame, which means in order to get ANYTHING, you'll have to be somebody.

This is not the future. This is now!

Gene Simmons started Kiss for the p*ssy and money. Lionel Ritchie admitted that he started The Commondores for the girls.

This has been going on for decades already, if not centuries.

This is why Roosh left America. Higher Status

The future of game

Quote: (10-10-2012 03:17 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

The future of game will read like a post apocalyptic novel.

1. Obesity- It's getting worse. We concentrate on women here, but guys are porking out also.

Actually, at my middle class college town, it looks like there might be a counter-trend. A LOT Of these 18 year olds are very pretty; they have not porked up at all yet.

I think younger people (14-20) might be getting the message about unlimited carb eating, which I think is at the root of Murkan obesity.

As I am finding out for myself though, it is very hard to lose the lard after you gain it. So the late-20s; 30-something chicks may be perma-larded.

The future of game

Quote: (10-10-2012 03:36 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2012 03:17 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

The future of game will read like a post apocalyptic novel.

1. Obesity- It's getting worse. We concentrate on women here, but guys are porking out also.

Actually, at my middle class college town, it looks like there might be a counter-trend. A LOT Of these 18 year olds are very pretty; they have not porked up at all yet.

I think younger people (14-20) might be getting the message about unlimited carb eating, which I think is at the root of Murkan obesity.

As I am finding out for myself though, it is very hard to lose the lard after you gain it. So the late-20s; 30-something chicks may be perma-larded.

Notice the keyword bolded above. Give them time. Higher status in 20 years will simply mean not being fat or stupid. Pair that with some game, good job, and alpha traits, and you'll be a rockstar.

The future of game


Does anyone here actually have friends that do cool shit with their lives

One or two but most of mines don't. Their lives consist of settling down, having children (both accidental and on purpose), getting married, buying houses, working monday to friday for 2 miserable days off a week where they do DIY or have a night at the pub, if they are lucky they get a week in the sun once a year.

Not really my cup of tea but each to their own.

The future of game

Quote: (10-10-2012 03:27 PM)Rick91 Wrote:  

Does anyone here actually have friends that do cool shit with their lives. Most people i know from school havnt done a fucking thing worth of note. Even the ones that travel their tales tend to bore.

Yes, many, but I didn't meet them at school. But starting in my mid 20's.

Quote: (10-10-2012 03:17 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

In the future, it will be almost impossible to find a worthy male OR female. Those few left will have to drudge through a wasteland of society.

In a sense, its already like this now! when you wade through the masses you realise how few quality people there are out there.

Quote: (10-10-2012 03:04 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

I'm more attracted to a white 6 than an Asian 8, but the one thing I cannot override is my body's desire for FERTILE women. As I age, I still have close to ZERO attraction for 45+ women. It makes sense biologically-- why invest any effort into a woman that can't reproduce your genes?

You seem like a very smart guy. I'm not sure what is wrong with mature women in their 30's. If this chick is awesome, she is still awesome, if she's still beautiful and if she is smart to look afterself, she's still hot, even 8+.

Having said that, you should still go to Siberia. ;-)

Despite all this stuff about status - I think, women are largely irrational creatures and will go with guys who fulfil them deeply on different levels. Sure status may open up doors, but I think this is where "game" is going: more into inner game, more into understanding of the psychic dimensions and mystery of females, that (some) men will unlock to get the goods they want. I don't think "game" will hit the hall, I can only see "it" progressing, becoming more refined and powerful.

The future of game

I think bar game is going to be good again, but not for a while. he sausagefests are going to get so bad the bad game will outweigh the attention girls get. They won't go anymore, dudes won't go anymore (or bars will become a masculine space) and bar owners will start losing money. They're going to have to think of something to get that poosy flowing again.

The future of game

Ironically, even as societal factors seem to be moving inexorably in a direction that makes running game much more challenging, it seems like the evolution of the "game community" has consistently been one that has moved closer and closer to basic, timeless "common sense" about picking up women.

The guy that started it all--Ross Jefferies--far and away has contributed the most fantastical, outlandish, complicated techniques for picking up women, so much so that the typical reaction it produces is thunderous condescending laughter (although some of his more recent shit, about asking women questions that involve them fantasizing about stuff or whatever, that stuff is good).

Then came the halcyon days of peacocking, acronyms, and complicated routines that could take much effort to learn and remember, like palm reading and the cube. Key to this era also I think is the pervasive belief that, armed only with this secret knowledge, you could seduce ANY woman at ANY time regardless of your wealth, status, physical appearance, etc.

Following that, the term "natural game" seemed to pop up constantly, in addition to "direct game" being taken seriously on the regular. Guys like roosh and roissy demonstrated that all you really need to succeed in the game is a solid understanding of female psychology, confidence, and maybe a few memorized openers, shit test responses, and stories.

Lately, the emphasis seems to be centered ever more around general and basic things like self-improvement--via reading, taking up hobbies, traveling, etc--staying in good physical shape, having good style in the traditional sense of the word, and basically just being an interesting, confident man that's capable of having a good conversation and who's capable of being boldly declaring sexual intent at the right moment. Day Bang is a prime example of a work of "game literature" that is basically just tells you how to be good at having conversations, rather than purporting to be some source of magical, secret, esoteric, counterintuitive seduction technique. People also recognize much more readily today the relevance of a man's wealth, his status,the upkeep and location of his apartment. The recent discussions of the importance of logistics is something that absolutely can have a major effect on your success, and even though that is total old school common sense, I would bet that mystery in the early days would tell you it was totally irrelevant if you had game.

It's pretty weird, really, if you think about it. Things are only going to get harder and more complicated for the aspiring playboy, and yet the mainstream game wisdom is getting more and more simple and traditional.

The future of game

Day game will never get mainstream... it's too hard. The average guy out there is going all-in with internet game, and he will get pitiful results.

If you want to bang 15+ girls a year in the US, you need a tight niche or formula where game is merely a prerequisite. If you're casual about it, going out for only two 3-hour sessions a week to approach when your game is average, you will have low numbers.

I will say when you get to the advanced level, 6 hours a week will give you plenty, but it took me over 10 years to get here.

Pick one:

1. Game + fame/niche/etc

2. Work harder than 99.5% of other guys

3. Have game that is tighter than 99.5% of other guys.

The future of game

Quote: (10-10-2012 04:32 PM)Jeans Wrote:  

It's pretty weird, really, if you think about it. Things are only going to get harder and more complicated for the aspiring playboy, and yet the mainstream game wisdom is getting more and more simple and traditional.

At the end of the day, it is about doing the approaches. Like Roosh said, daygame is hard, and its hard because firstly because of making the approach. And it is hard to do that AND follow through. A lot of internal/external factors have to be sorted and worked through until you can really put it off.

Guys here are talking about the time it takes to do these approaches after a rejection, and it is hard on a psychic level, sometimes I find too.

The future of game

Quote: (10-10-2012 04:53 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Day game will never get mainstream... it's too hard.


Also, the quality of modern men is declining at the same rate as the quality of modern women. Pushover emo/hipster/drone chumps are everywhere now. It will get progressively easier to separate yourself from the competition, but unfortunately the pool of targets will shrink too

The future of game

Quote: (10-10-2012 04:53 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Pick one:

1. Game + fame/niche/etc

2. Work harder than 99.5% of other guys

3. Have game that is tighter than 99.5% of other guys.

I think the future of game is men will take a more active role in getting better with women. PUAs will be dead, and they'll refer to themselves as dating coaches.

Points 1-3 are good, but are too hard and take too much effort for the average male to do; they will just crawl back to their cacoon and stay in their comfort zone.

The future of game

Quote: (10-10-2012 03:36 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2012 03:17 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

The future of game will read like a post apocalyptic novel.

1. Obesity- It's getting worse. We concentrate on women here, but guys are porking out also.

Actually, at my middle class college town, it looks like there might be a counter-trend. A LOT Of these 18 year olds are very pretty; they have not porked up at all yet.

I think younger people (14-20) might be getting the message about unlimited carb eating, which I think is at the root of Murkan obesity.

As I am finding out for myself though, it is very hard to lose the lard after you gain it. So the late-20s; 30-something chicks may be perma-larded.

I noticed the same thing. They are slimming down. I see very few fatties in my school, and they're usually looking pretty anxious about it. The late 20s/early 30s cows are a bust, and the younger generation is impossible to tap into (how to game a girl who can't even hold a minute long conversation?) Finding a way to break the 18-22 range NOW is a great priority because that's going to be the new norm--mass ADD and phone-whoring.

The future of game

In the future we're going to have to become experts in all types of game. Just like having one source of income is stupid nowadays, so is just having one source of pussy.

Game can be extremely difficult, and the average man will not put in the time to master it. It takes a certain personality to dedicate so much time and effort to your game, improving yourself, and lifestyle. In all honesty it borders on obsession at some points for me, but I also get the results. It's the same with anything else, you get what you put in.

Nowadays I'm finding that you have to do it all. Day game, bars, internet, working out, eating correctly so you look your best, being more interesting than the next guy, finding a niche, having the resources to do all that, and constantly working on your mistakes.

Growing up I had a friend who was a natural with like like a 70+ notch count by like age 25-26. I didn't understand why all these girls would spread for him. All he would do was play baseball and smoke weed all day. He was in between jobs all the time, getting fired, and all this shit. What I didn't understand was everything he was doing behind the scenes and his insanely strong game. I was just seeing the finished product: a guy who seemed to slay hot girls left and right, but he was putting in effort too and his beliefs matched ours on here nearly 100%.

The future of game

Quote: (10-10-2012 04:53 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Day game will never get mainstream... it's too hard. The average guy out there is going all-in with internet game, and he will get pitiful results.

If you want to bang 15+ girls a year in the US, you need a tight niche or formula where game is merely a prerequisite. If you're casual about it, going out for only two 3-hour sessions a week to approach when your game is average, you will have low numbers.

I will say when you get to the advanced level, 6 hours a week will give you plenty, but it took me over 10 years to get here.

Pick one:

1. Game + fame/niche/etc

2. Work harder than 99.5% of other guys

3. Have game that is tighter than 99.5% of other guys.

I pick 2.

The future of game

Quote: (10-11-2012 07:54 AM)memcpy Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2012 04:53 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Day game will never get mainstream... it's too hard. The average guy out there is going all-in with internet game, and he will get pitiful results.

If you want to bang 15+ girls a year in the US, you need a tight niche or formula where game is merely a prerequisite. If you're casual about it, going out for only two 3-hour sessions a week to approach when your game is average, you will have low numbers.

I will say when you get to the advanced level, 6 hours a week will give you plenty, but it took me over 10 years to get here.

Pick one:

1. Game + fame/niche/etc

2. Work harder than 99.5% of other guys

3. Have game that is tighter than 99.5% of other guys.

I pick 2.

If you pick 2, 3 will come with time for sure, and 1 could come with time also. You can't find your niche without looking for it.


The future of game

P4P will become increasingly popular and will gradually lose its negative stigma. As will sex/'love' tourism. Hell, it's already happening. And as the economy continues to deteriorate and government jobs/other useless female service jobs continue to disappear, more and more women will be open to this arrangement.

Even on this forum, there's a whiff of desperation in the air. PUAs are heavily invested in their lifestyle (we are, in our own way, all trying to keep up with the Jones'), so few will outright admit it, but the scent is unmistakable. It's becoming increasingly difficult to pull in traditional night game venues, and many of us are feeling the crunch.

And this is the RVF! It's akin to saying that the top 10% is struggling financially. Can you imagine how the average dude is faring in this environment?

A buddy/business contact of mine in Toronto (26 y/o) has male-model good looks and I'm pretty sure yesterday was the first time he's fooled around with a girl since I've known him (> 6 months). And yes I did say "fool around", I'm not even sure he banged her. She was a 6-6.5.

The future is now my friends.

The future of game

@ captaingeneric, man your fairly an optimist. (this was sarcasm)

I think most of us will do just fine as long as we look at our weaknesses and act accordingly.

For me this is going to be becoming completely okay and indifferent when it comes to rejection.

Its going to be forcing myself to get my warm up approaches in early on in the night rather than going mad in the last 20 minutes and getting no where.

It going to be becoming more physical with women earlier and more often in interations.

Also being clear in my goals, i'am in a situation where i get out once every 2 weeks, with no way of getting to the city from the sticks within that time. This means i go for the bang or go bust. No matter how much i like a girl, if a bang isnt on the cards that night i have to force myelf to move on or esculate to the point of rejection.

The future of game

Quote: (10-11-2012 12:53 PM)captaingeneric Wrote:  

Even on this forum, there's a whiff of desperation in the air.

Hahaha! I agree and I appreciate your honesty. It's important to remember that this is a forum for guys who are trying to get better with girls. Most guys here have beta tendencies that they are trying to correct. Hopefully, their desperation will disappear will more experience and improved skills.

But, there will always be fresh newbies joining and adding to the desperate vibe.

And, thats okay, because this is a place to get help!

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