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KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Kamaki is a gem. He is the GBFM of RVF. Kamaki would you have a problem posting in this thread a photo of the type of clothes you would daygame kreshatic with so we can get an idea? If you use your own photo, you should pixelate it as I did.

Here is Miss (Southern Ukrainian state I won't mention for discretion sake) runner up (very early twenties) I had on my bed down to dress half off and panties on a D2. Daygame stop with strong hook and instadate to cafe.

These kievian beauties are the definition of logical sex. They switch it off exactly at the point they feel they have given you enough for that evening. You could have been an LMR God (and I know every trick in the LMR book) and you wouldn't have got sex on that D2. She is an 8 for me but I like the strong model facial features which won't be everyone's cup of tea. 181 cm, banging body, dressed in knee length satin coctail dress and 12 cm heels for me. I had a hardon the moment I arrived in the lounge for the D2.

My mate Krauser (KRAUSERPUA) thinks she looks like a man in a wig and is a 7, so tastes differ LOL. Lovely girl, unbelievably feminine and her voice alone (sweet and girlish) gives me a raging boner - my points scale actually blends looks with femininity/submissiveness, that is so important to me. Goes on the girlfriend pile.

Photos for 12 hours - if you're slow, bad luck - my overall favourite girl in Kiev and she will find herself soon the lucky recipient of an all expenses paid holiday on the Spanish coast.

[Image: xdbfde9dc.jpg]

[Image: x67180a4e.jpg]

If you put in the hard work, this should be the level of girls you are working here in Ukraine. She would be an almost cert D3 bang if she hadn't gone to see the family for the weekend. [Image: sad.gif]

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