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KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-28-2012 04:01 PM)BigAlexBoss Wrote:  

"The big cafeteria palce near or use t obe near opera house is a great pick-up location. That place is always full of girls and often you need to sit at someones table since palce is packed. I am sure you can get digits out of that place."

Thanks Jim, now thats what I call value added - will be eating there tomorrow to test.

"Turkish guys do well in Ukraine."

DISAGREE COMPLETELY. Goes completely against what I am seeing on the ground, what my ex girlfriend and her friends are saying (I should mention I have an 8.5 ukrainian ex here in Kiev that I still booty call. Met her in Spain) and what Roosh experienced and what Wolf backed up anecdotally. If you are dark skinned or very tanned or in any way turkish or Arab looking, do not come to Kiev (probably don't come to Ukraine). Frankly if you don't look Northern European (include germany, britain, most of anglo americans, dutch, scands etc) go elsewhere. More on this in conclusions.

Wolf and I firmly believe Roosh had such a poor ROI in Kharkov at least mainly because of his arabic/turkish appearance. Lack of Russian in a provincial city didn't help either as well as lack of extensive social pipelining as I did pre arrival. Note I said social pipelining not bang pipelining. I'm sure Rooshey will comment on this himself.

okkk, I look like i can be Russian( I AM HALF) , A dark hair dark eyed one. I am pale since I keep out of the sun, however I ca n also look Italian, etc and I TAN easily. The girls use to chase me saying i look like young John travolta from Grease. He was considered hot there. They loved Enrique Iglesias. I am sure Travolta is considered a white guy. A Brooklyn italian is considered white last I LOOKED. However some Turks actually look white, they even often have light eyes. I already told you most girls say they do not like them. But alot of Turks win thme with there persistance .Will they beat guys with game? NO. However they can easily beat the white sex tourists, clueless guys who do not have game. Their Russian language helps. i believe Timmy is part Turkish,not sure ,he kills in Lugansk fro m what I hear. You got to stop listening t o everything Ukrainian girls tell you. As I said emotions rule. You can't compare yourself t o the gameless guys you see hitting on every chick on the main drag.
In BANG Ukraine rule number 1 has to be do not listen or take seriously anything that comes out of girls mouths. Often girls say they do not smoke. I see thme smoking. They say they do not drink, i see them drinking. They have a tendency to tell you things that you may want to hear. I was in law enforcement , got assigned to a detail that kept me on the beach whole summer in an area that was mostly Russian. I got eye fucked for months. met a few girls I dated. Anyhow, I would say my favorite food was chicken. Guess what Marina told me? Her favorite food was chicken. OK, I asked her what her favorite movie was? Guess? Police Academy. I almost coughed the word BULLSHIT. Ok , her sister , who like me also said same thing. Months later i dated a 19 year old named Anna, 3-4 years i n the country. Guess her favorite movie? When these girls get close t oyou and want you they will sweet talk you as if you are a god. Remember, these aren't American bitches ,they are not competing with us. I bet they tell German guys when they date them that they love German language and they probably convince themselves they do. You say you watch guys and girls in clubs? Well unless Ukrainian guys have grown a vagina you will see exactly how you need to be t o get them. They rarely say no if guy keeps pushing. Its more like a maybe , which can be turned int o a yes. I ca not tel lyou how to behave you have your own FORTE, and we respect that . If Kiev really has changed soo much i am glad i do not live there anymore . i think if I get divorce I would go to DUKES city.
i also as mentioned have an issue with advice from real Ukrainian guys(Wolverine exception) as i have mentioned before. They know how to approach girls ,close them and bang them. However there own insecurity when they compare themselves to foreighners tends t ocloud there outlook. They think all thier girls want to leave, they think we are rich so we can steal thier women ,blah blah blah. Its become a national excuse for the guys to not work hard and drink and play video games all day while women work hard.

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