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KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quick word on Wolverine who I met in Kiev a day ago - legit RVFer, nice bloke, better built and handsomer than 90% of the dudes on this board and his game seems more natural than learned. Legit knowledge on FSU girl mentality and Kiev as he is part Ukrainian and speaks Russian perfectly. I can see him killing it here in Kiev with that combination if he lived here longer term and splashed the cash.

Short Kiev anecdote: Never invite another tiger to your dinner.

Wolf needs to read up on winging as most naturals do. I was in set with a 7/7.5 cutey (lovely girlfriend material) vibing very nicely in an underground bar near Kreshatic and wolf arrives as invited, and quite without realising I was in set with this chick (or he didn't have a clue about winging or he is always AMOG), cut across some of my sentences, switched to russian for periods of time with her and generally held court. LOL WTF!? I thought. Won't be making that mistake again.

Of course the intimate vibe I had worked hard to develop was fucked and its my own fault for inviting another player into my set without briefing him first. I just had too much going on at once to brief him before. I quickly moved the girl out before I bled too much value to chat in isolation with Wolf and met the girl again for a nice D2 today with long makeout.

After that Wolf and I hung for an hour or two and he gave me tremendous value on FSU babe mentality. Very generous of him.

Legit dude, superb alpha unreactive frame (I'm always absorbing elements to work on from other players) and enjoyed meeting him.

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