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KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-26-2012 05:48 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

I disagree guys. I'm not saying he has to be dressed "slick" but dressing a little more refined than a backpacker would probably at least make him stand out in a positive way. Right now I see nothing that makes him look more than average. I'm not a fashionista but some cool shoes, skinny jeans, a v neck and a badass jacket would be just as comfortable and he'd look good enough to walk into most places during the day. Her body language does say "I don't want people who see this photo to think we're together".

Quote: (09-27-2012 12:27 PM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

I'm with you K-man,I'd rather bang three 7's then no 9's. However two points need mentioning:
Alex no doubt gets enough 7's back home.
He has said his intention was to find a 9 to take to Spain for a trip.

I respect that he's taken the harder road then targeting sevens which really are easy to get in Kiev. I'm bald,late thirties and knocked a tooth out a week before Kiev ( never had time to replace before trip ) and yet even in the centre of Kiev which is sex tourist central I number closed a couple of girls,kiss closed ( the one in the photos I posted ) and have her begging me to visit her in Odessa. So if I'm doing it with my bastardized Russian language skills then anyone who is white and from northern Europe will manage it. So good on him for going for the 9's.

On that point I would say that if you're intention was to grab a 9 to take to Spain at some point then Russia would have been a better option for you. Russians get visas easily most of the time as you'll know from the hordes that invade Spanish beaches every summer. And Moscow in my experience is easier then Kiev due in
part to the women being more liberal and westernized and there being less sex tourist stigmatization. A lot less.

As to your attire: don't take the comments to heart. I don't think people were hating on you personally because what you wore is probably fine for schlepping
about at home in. It's just that you are out trying to day game 9/10's but hindering your chances by being so sloppy. People were just surprised that you had not got that base covered. I don't necessarily agree with Greek in saying you have to dress like you are on business, however in a place where image is often more important then substance,you really should not be walking around in scruffy jeans,t-shirt and with a backpack on. That look whilst comfy,just screams tourist staying in a hostel. The image you are trying to give off is definitely not that if your aim is to bang up echelon women. I know you said you were caught unawares by the girl being ready early but still,by dressing like that you are missing possible opportunities. Personally I cannot stress enough how much image is important over there. I know full well you can dress like that and be a multi millionaire in the west,it's usual. But over there it doesn't work like that. How is a girl going to believe you'll take her to your penthouse on the beach in Spain if you dress like you're staying in a dormitory? Be overdressed rather then under dressed.
There again you're the one rotating models so it's not hurting you that badly!

Well we agree with the conversations being somewhat dull. I suppose that in part a lot of these girls have not travelled and are quite insular so it's hard to discuss certain topics or for then to have in depth opinions. However you said you brought a tear to the eye a couple of times of one girl when in comfort so you're getting on ok it seems.

Lastly,you are a hedge fund manager,have two places in Spain,have Saville Row hand made suits: why the fcuk are you staying in a place with a broken Soviet washing machine and intermittent electricity??!! Again,like your clothes,that's not going to entice some of these models into believing in your dream you are selling them that you would like to invite someone to Spain. No wonder you're not closing when they come back to yours. Those places are fine for me because I'm only bringing average girls back but you're ambitions are loftier then mine and an aspiring model in Kiev has a lot of local choice. Therefore get a pimped apartment next time,not ridiculously flash but something in a new build with mod cons at least.

I think you're doing very well for yourself,I doff my cap to your efforts. However I think your failure to close these models is because you've got a few chinks in your armor. Dress better and live in a better place and with the exception of language you will have all bases covered.

Good luck!

Just catching up on the Kiev thread and replying more or less in the order I see them.

Need to clear up some major misconceptions developing because its painting a wrong picture of me that makes me look like a troll, which is the last thing I wanted.

1) I am not G manifesto's long lost brother. I am not a multi millionaire and never said I was. I work in the hedge fund industry in a good technology position for a successful fund. I earn a good salary and my family is moderately wealthy. At 32 I am better off than most guys my age. Yes I could afford to buy a very modest apartment or two in Kiev but that kind of cash won't even get you into a private bank. All this is irrelevant to this Kiev thread because I am spending as little cash as possible and only mention I live in my flat on the mediteranean coast as a DHV on a D2/D3. And I think that is fair within the rules of game as its part of my value proposition.

I am sure there are several dudes on this board rocking more net worth than me.

2) I am not dating a harem of top models in Kiev. Please reread my posts as this does me a disservice - I am slogging it through a small number of higher quality girls because thats why I come to Kiev, but they are normal girls with normal lives. I posted photos so regulars could see what I'm dealing with and that i'm not an idiot braggart. My interest was in tactics specific to laying >8s in FSU capitals.

Truth be told I started this thread primarily for tips on the hot Kiev girl's mentality. Why physical escalation is often so slow...are they super traditional? do they expect expensive gifts...are the hottest ones plate spinning with various rich dudes to see which plate they take home... flowers? Chocolates? Do I go full beta on them? Do I go confident beta? Should I go alpha dominant russian boyfriend on them... So many questions.

I am dating 2 or 3 hotties and a couple others that are 7-8. Nothing amazing for two weeks in a city and knowing what you're doing. Pretty sure that Roosh was rocking similar quality and probably had a better close rate by concentrating on nightgame

Kiev is very nicely set up for a smooth British guy with BBC accent, who can splash cash as needed, expertly pipelines and has great attraction/comfort game. I spent over 40 hours pipelining - I doubt many here would put that investment in. Truth is my closing rate is disappointing because these girls need at least 4 dates and careful work in my opinion to get in the sack. More on this in the final update.

Point is the reason at my age (32) I have good disposable income IS EXACTLY BECAUSE I rent old soviet flats (albeit city center) and eat at Hazata Puta every day (student type buffet place in Kiev). The biggest cheap skates I have eaten with are some of the top Hedgies in London.

To give you some idea of rental costs in Kiev- My flat has cost me 390 euros after serious negotiation for 2 week stay. Nearly every other flat in the area is over 600 euros per 2 weeks. This is a basic shitty studio flat. Many of the flats being rented here are shithole compared to what we are used to in the west. I do not even have a wardrobe here, I hang everything on the coat stand. Pimped apartments in the center are going for 1200 + euros every 2 weeks, I won't drop that money for an apartment in which I only sleep and bang.

KIEV IS EXPENSIVE. Unbelievably so. My new pair of skinny jeans from zara (down two sizes, thanks kiev) were almost 3 times the cost in Spain. Many things except the staples are more expensive in Kiev than in Europe and the luxuries are far more expensive.

Totally agree on the clothes front - From losing so much weight here from skipping meals running around like a headless chicken chasing numbers and dates in the center, most of my clothes are too loose now. Luckily my date uniform was always tight and now fits great (tailored jacket, pocket square, tailored trousers and shirt, designer loafers).

When I walk in the street at night in my date uniform, I am convinced I will be mugged. I have seen literally no Kiev dudes dressed like me. Then again I don't frequent Kiev's few private gentlemen clubs. Again its all about learning from your errors and calibrating for the next visit.

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