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KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

LOL ,Not sure ,except alot of the highly paid expats were Germans. There was a large German expat community.I think an advantage they had was that they bought their cars over with them. Back then 90% cars on road were old beat up lada's, as you can see in photo's thats changed [Image: sad.gif]. My cousin is a waitress in Hawaii she says all European tourist don't tip correctly.

For a bit of old news,Kreshatik was voted year after year back in 2001,2002, etc as best pickup location in Kiev. This was in Kiev Post. The number #1 pickup line was"hello, do you speak English?"
Someone wrote earlier that saying "NO" to speaking English is a well known non interest line i n Europe. Problem with FSU countries is that such a small amount of girls speak english. Also girls often do not want to lose face be speaking bad english with someone they do not know well. Heck you just opened her in the street, she has no reason to be interested in you,lol.

Yes money and appearance has to carry alot of the approach there. I say appearance and not looks. There is a difference. In Western society girls go by looks, as in how we fit thier ideal type or fantasy,alot of it is media/hollywood driven. Alot of our media unfortunately is brainwashing the m also .However thier type is different than the typical pretty boy American girls swoon over. More or less , after seeing some of the short chubby guys they swoon for I figured it out, that its appearance that wins. Short bald chubby guy(Eastern Europeans do not like chubby,slim is in)in a Hugo Boss suit, gucci shoes and Rolex trumps ME in my Movado, Calvin Klien shoes, etc. God forbid you are very goodlooking and look like a palyer, girls will avoid you. LOL, Girls avoided my young good looks. Seriously ,i use t o see clean cut Russian guys in those grey /black thug /bouncer suits standing in front of shiny BMW'S hitting on chicks walking by. They wouldn't even look. An older guy with some AGE in a plain business suit or sweater hit on them ,they were friendly. i heard its because girls there were avoiding the obvious man whores. They do not want thier guy being so capable with the ladies. Not sure if that changed . However, the girls who liked me the most,including my wife, chased me when I was in leather jacket,etc. When i was looking a million bucks, clubs were only place i had girls being really receptive, and those places attracted girls looking for foreigners,etc. I should also add that Mopeds from Odessa was considered COOL one year, so I bought one. I swear, every time" I TURNED AROUND THERE WAS A HOT BLOND OR 2 ON THE BACK"WTF?. My point is the culture is very fad driven. Now cars are cool. If you have the hard to get fad, whatever it may be,you rack up points. Stupid but true.

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