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The Approach Thread

The Approach Thread

I hate weekends.

Started out in a high end hotel bar. Every hot bitch was coupled up, no IOIs anywhere. Talked to two girls at the end of the bar, 2 totally cuntfaced and bitchy 6s. Bad vibes all around, I ejected early and went to my usual pulling venue.

Walk up and get eyefucked by a woman in a group of people. She's not much to look at but certainly fuckable, maybe a 6 or so. My crucial mistake of the evening was not engaging her. Sometimes when I walk up to a venue and get immediate IOIs from a chick, it goes to my head and I think, "Fuck yeah! I've got the stink! Gonna kill this shit tonight!" and then I walk in and the scene is bunk or I can't get anything going. Note to self: I need to jump on whatever opportunities come my way, no matter how early in the evening.

It's a total sausagefest inside, typical weekend out in L.A. Still, there's pockets of talent here and there. There's a cute asian girl but her friends are blocking her and then some dude approaches her. There's 3 tall (taller than me at 6'3") good looking actor types making the rounds and they look like they're on their A game. Asian girl doesn't bite but then they get a table outside with a larger group. I let it go. I get pretty drunk and approach a table of 3 women, all 5s and 6s. Sit down, say "Is anyone sitting here?" they're receptive to me and pretty normal girls, we make some light talk, but there's no attraction anywhere. I get bored and literally get up mid-sentence and walk away and settle my tab.

As much as I hate going through the motions sometimes, I know it's necessary. If I can approach a table of women that are sitting down and going for the more complicated and unlikely approaches, then it makes "normal" approaching a walk in the park. Two girls at the end of the bar? Cake. A girl sitting by herself in a bar? God help her.

Day game approach earlier this week: Super cute girl at Whole Foods, face is a 7 but body is a 9, she's wearing short denim shorts and wedge heels. She moves her ass when she walks in that way that latinas do, with lots of sway like she knows she's got the goods. I'm trying to calculate my approach, she's in the raw foods section and I start to overthink it. I don't want to use any of my scripted openers on her, trying to keep things organic. Finally I realize this girl is holding all her groceries in her arms, she's not using a basket or cart or anything. She walks by me and I say, "Hey, you know they have handbaskets right? Let's walk over and I'll get you one." She laughs and puts her hand on my arm and says "No, no it's okay." and walks off. She's got a strong accent I can't place, eastern European probably. In the checkout line she gets behind me and I'm chatting up the register girl to keep the vibe going and when I pay I say, "Just make sure you don't bag any of her groceries, she likes to carry everything around by hand." They both start laughing and I'm staring at the cutie like an idiot waiting for the next move. But I don't, get my stuff and walk out like a retard, though I was happy that I was able to come up with an organic opener.

Note to self: good interactions in the checkout line at a grocery store have to be followed up in the parking lot. I should have waited for her and gotten her number in front of the beta Greenpeace activists.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



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