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When did Roissy/Heartiste become a haven for race-obsessed white nationalists?

When did Roissy/Heartiste become a haven for race-obsessed white nationalists?

Everyone makes racial generalizations. The ones who say they don't are liars.

The "HBD" is a bunch of bullshit; why coin a term to make legitimate the claim that races are different? I think the term "race realism" is more accurate, but since there are tons of white nationalists out there the sensible white people have to come up with a less offensive term.

Whatever, I just keep it real. The best dancers I know are black. The smartest mathmaticians and programmers I know are asians. The richest guys I know are Jews. The most creative guys I know are white. Surprise surprise.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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