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Conversation with a Rothchild

Conversation with a Rothchild

Quote: (02-02-2019 04:40 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

Someone in the "hollywood is a satanic cult" thread posted this. I read the original. It is definitely a larp but there's a lot of good info contained within.

1. family is all you have and all you need.
2. Do not buy into big media, pharma or anything else. It's designed to make you stupid and suggestible.
3. Find a young wife and keep her far away from all this bullshit
4. Think beyond your lifetime. How can you set up your kids and grandkids to carry the flame
5. Cut expenses and lower your financial profile. Do not make yourself a target.
6. Reinvest gains in knowledge and not gucci gang gucci gang idiot bullshit (see #2).
7. cut sugar and carbs and all that processed bullshit. Stick to lean meats, fats, and veggies.
8. Make learning interesting for you and your kids so that you're not a fucking moron.

There were a few other really good points he made but I can't recall since I read it all last summer. It might be due for a re-read.

He even suggested a few good books to check out. Mostly financial and health-related.
The shit about nano-robots and RH- blood is mostly noise. It may be significant from an occult standpoint but how much does that shit really matter in your day to day life?

I was mostly dissapointed with that godlikeproductions crowd. They were too fixated on the vampire conspiracy theory bullshit and not enough on asking the big, actionable questions:

1. What are the next big tech innovations on the way to fuck us over and what are some of the ways out of it.
2. Which countries would make for good safe havens?
3. How do you deprogram family members from all this bullshit?
4. Which countries don't fit into the Rothschild grand scheme
5. Where does Asia fit in all of this?

He brings up some interesting legal stuff too. He kept hinting at some way to skirt property taxes and keep land without getting it taxed out from under you. Also brings up the point that we mostly enslave ourselves by blindly following laws and regulations that we know are bad for us. I think he used the example of Income tax and said something the effect of if 40% of people didn't pay it then it would cease to be a law by some measure built into the American legal system. I'm embarrassingly ignorant in regards to law but it did pique my curiosity.

Ultimately, if you follow the advice of Roosh, GLL and other manosphere types then you'd avoid most of the shit that the Rothschild guy talks about. His advice mostly boiled down to do not clutter your mind and life with peripheral bullshit. Build up yourself, build up your family and you'll ride out any storm while everyone else is fucked.

The bloodline cultivation stuff is sorta goofy but it makes sense. Fortunes die after three generations but I do think more westerners could be less selfish and think long-term. I'm slowly learning that. I see my father and grandfather doing this and it makes sense. Legacy building, not just for yourself, but for your family's long-term health.

Anyway sorry for the scattered reply.

Those are legitimate points I expect a Rothschild (or any educated, nonpozzed elite member) to make with respect to maintaining the family line. It is a system, but a system that can be maintained by setting goals and sticking to them. Akin to the self-improvement points that the Manosphere takes up upon themselves.

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