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Conversation with a Rothchild - Aurini - 01-25-2019

From Anonymous Conservative:



When he ridicules how a normal person would act if they won the lottery, he is saying they would buy a house, or a car, or even an island for themselves. But if you asked them what they would have spent money on, to see to it that their bloodline was perfected and stronger in 100 years than it was now, they would look at you blankly. Indeed, most people probably do not even think of themselves as part of any sort of bloodline, nor do their familial lines engage in the type of conscious careful selection of mates which could incrementally increase IQ, or strength, or health and vitality. So when winning a lottery, everyone sees the money, and giving it to their kids, or giving their kids the ability to make money in the form of education, or a business. But the path followed by their kid’s underlying genes are completely ignored. They could marry a bimbo, they could fail to reproduce, they could just marry the first “average” girl they happen across, that is not custom-chosen to meld well with their genes, and so on. All of that shortsightedness would lead to failure by the metrics of a bloodline family, since they would not be incrementally accruing beneficial genes in their family’s bloodline.

The key, is that meme, passed from generation to generation. You must create something in the family which will endure, incrementally improve it with each generation, and make every decision based on how to perfect it – in the next generation, and the generations hence. I must confess, it is a powerful idea, and would lend long-term advantage in a world of short-term individualists choosing love based purely upon the heart.

That is why the Rothschild implied they would not see anyone else as a threat – unless they grasped that concept and acted on it with all their might. Even as a lottery winner was handed this great advantage of hundreds of millions of dollars, they would squander it and fail to pass forward anything which would compete with the next generation of the bloodline-oriented families. Indeed, their wealthy kids, raised with ease and resources, would probably be even weaker than they would have been absent the lottery-winnings. And all along the way, nobody was seeking the real power, the information of how to perfect their genes and raise their children to be maximally successful.

And yet the most lowly citizen, grasping that bloodline concept, embracing the long-time-frame outlook, and developing the motivation in their family to pass that idea forward generation to generation, in children who were raised most effectively, would be a potent threat, if the other bloodlines did not get on top of them or subsume them at some point.

I've been reading through the original, on and off for a few days now. It aligns with much that I have observed/stated over the past several years. If it's a cosplay, then it's so well done that it might as well be real.

Yeah, the guy's Lawful Evil, but I'll take him over most of the allies on the "right" that we have right now. He's rH-; I'm not. My blood cries for heroism, not sneakiness. But he's not wrong.

Few people want to live, or win, or invest in the future. I do. I think many of you will get something from this.

Conversation with a Rothchild - SamuelBRoberts - 01-25-2019

I had this conversation with George Soros.

Sam: "Hey George, I heard you're a pedo and a satanist."
Soros: "That's right, Sam. I am a pedo and a satanist."

This conversation may as well be real, because it fits with my observations that Soros is a pedophile and a satanist. Even if it's not true, it explains a whole lot.

Joking aside, it's a LARP. Q crossed with Vampire: The Masquerade. Entertaining reading, of course, and a ton of fun to think about, but believing it is a total blind alley.
I don't even think that bloodline thing is a particularly feasible idea. Regression to the mean and tail events will take care of your perfect bloodline pretty quick.
David de Rothschild, for instance, a member of the Rothschild family, is on twitter. You can read his thoughts here:

Does he strike you as a member of a superior bloodline, or just a garden variety leftist?

Conversation with a Rothchild - The Catalyst - 01-25-2019

This was one of the most interesting pieces on AC in a while. I'm still reading through it and trying to digest. The implications are real. Fiat is worthless, bloodlines are everything(supposedly). I wonder how different his genetics(or bloodline) is different to the rest of us.

Edit: I totally get where he's coming from. From his perspective, the rest of us with rh+ blood are just dummies, and prove it with our actions/illogical thinking/slave mentality. I can't say he's wrong. I'm frustrated with the exact sort of things myself.

Edit 2: Fascinating quote:


[F]or amusement, let's follow the football analogy and apply it to bloodlines in a way you might understand!

So your favorite sports team boards an autobus with the objective of traveling cross-country to a sporting match. Everyone on the bus agrees they want to get to the game where they can have a "shot" at fame and glory!!

Let's further imagine that there is not a hired driver but that each sports participant will get a turn at the steering wheel!

You can imagine with the variety of personalities on the bus that some will be diligent and drive directly at top speed! Others may get distracted! Some may stop excessively to eat and satisfy some psychological craving they have. Others are drunks! and wish to stop at every pub along the way and drink to excess. Not only do these people delay the progress of the team in reaching their destination, but their dissolute living puts the entire team at risk of accident and death. The selfish ones care little as long as their needs are met!

Some drivers might stop to assist their stranded fellow traveler! What a good guy! However, in doing so they delay the progress of their fellow team mates! Certainly, the one providing the service looks the hero and collects accolades, but he has done a disservice to the others on the bus to satisfy the ego. From the viewpoint of the teammates, it is a selfish act.

By now even the dullards here MUST gather the meaning. Bickle, I'm looking at you.

The bus is of course the bloodline. Ancestors and those yet to come are all helpless passengers as each bloodline member gets their turn at the wheel! You are free to do as you will and all that...but everyone on your team will pay a price for your choices...such as they are!

What will you do with YOUR TURN?

NOW! Let's say that the other team knows your bus is full of lower form primates who respond to their base instincts. So the opposition team, being the black-hearts they are, erect a billboard advertising young women who will dance and writhe for your pleasure! And serve alcohol until you are stupid! Hooray!

Who is responsible for the team bus now parked in that parking lot? The team, or proprietor?

Conversation with a Rothchild - Gorgiass - 01-25-2019


And once you go there, you will begin to wonder about everything else, from the Flu vaccine they tell everyone to get each year, to the chemtrails people say they feel sicker after seeing, to the Fluoride in water that is established as lowering IQ, to the Roundup that is in everything today, to radiation from cell towers, to medications they sell to everyone that have horrific side effects, to the opiate problem, to the things we may not even know about that they put in everything the plebes eat and drink and are exposed to in the air and the electromagnetic spectrum.

[Image: tinfoilhat.gif]

Even if the billionaire distilling his own water in a copper coiled still (which, incidentally, is likely doing at least as much harm to his IQ as the fluoride he seeks to eliminate) weren't fiction, what good is a bloodline anyway? I'm living for me, not for some potential future kid who might turn out to be a little shithead anyway, even if he has an IQ of 150 and 5% body fat.

Conversation with a Rothchild - Leonard D Neubache - 01-25-2019

The concept is meaningless until you break through the genetic IQ required to accept it prior to mate selection and the genetic pleasure deference to act on it. Much like the Delorean in the Back To The Future franchise, 87 miles an hour is the same as standing still.

Some bloodlines cut it. The rest are only one misguided dalliance away from disaster, at least on that particular branch of the family tree.

The fallback in between animal lust and presumed familial genetic enhancement has always been the arranged marriage or at least a strong patriarchal say in who qualifies as suitable genetic material. This is also why a last will and testament is so important. No Rothschild is going to hand the keys to the kingdom to their poorest performing child "because he struggles in life and needs a hand up" but unfortunately that's precisely what so many middle class people do.

Conversation with a Rothchild - Leonard D Neubache - 01-25-2019

Quote: (01-25-2019 02:08 AM)Gorgiass Wrote:  

...I'm living for me, not for some potential future kid who might turn out to be a little shithead anyway, even if he has an IQ of 150 and 5% body fat.

That's your prerogative, but of course that's downstream from being POZzed.

I imagine that this character, fictional or not, would say "of course that's your opinion, because it's the one we crafted for you".

Conversation with a Rothchild - vanishing_point - 01-25-2019

Rothschild or de Rothschild?

Some use it, some don't. Hard to tell what version is more legitimate, since the "de" can be used to imply additional nobility.

Conversation with a Rothchild - Aurini - 01-25-2019

Wasn't the Bickle character a crazed cab driver who shot up some slum neighbors?

Is THAT your role model?

take out a few of your neighbors to get back at the system which oppresses you?

Sorry, you need a new plan

Conversation with a Rothchild - CJ_W - 01-25-2019

That's an interesting thought Aurini, How will someone go about finding the right person or themselves and their children to strengthen their bloodlines?

Conversation with a Rothchild - Blue Bayou - 01-25-2019

Quote: (01-25-2019 03:20 AM)vanishing_point Wrote:  

Rothschild or de Rothschild?

Or the thread title indicates.

Who are we talking about?

Conversation with a Rothchild - DarkTriad - 01-25-2019

Quote: (01-25-2019 04:45 AM)CJ_W Wrote:  

That's an interesting thought Aurini, How will someone go about finding the right person or themselves and their children to strengthen their bloodlines?

Certainly not what the Rothschilds did. They simply did a lot cousin/uncle etc. marriages to keep money/influence in the same family. This was a bog standard tactic among royals of the era and led to a lot inbreeding defects, not optimized genetics. However, if you were irrationally convinced you were "special" you might still think of it that way.

Conversation with a Rothchild - Aurini - 01-25-2019

I think the larger point is: "Are you planning for the future?"

Few people are. Most are reacting to the moment.

Conversation with a Rothchild - Leonard D Neubache - 01-25-2019

I have a hard enough time convincing men to choose a mate that will produce strong sons instead of hot daughters.

"But... but... but... muh prepubescent wallproof bodytype!"

Bro, she's death-camp 'cause she's a runt. Runts used to just die. Now they make more runts. In between miscarriages that is.

Conversation with a Rothchild - The Catalyst - 01-25-2019

Quote: (01-25-2019 05:57 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

I have a hard enough time convincing men to choose a mate that will produce strong sons instead of hot daughters.

"But... but... but... muh prepubescent wallproof bodytype!"

Bro, she's death-camp 'cause she's a runt. Runts used to just die. Now they make more runts. In between miscarriages that is.

Making hot daughters is underrated. Related: thread-63511.html

Quote: (01-25-2019 05:08 AM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2019 04:45 AM)CJ_W Wrote:  

That's an interesting thought Aurini, How will someone go about finding the right person or themselves and their children to strengthen their bloodlines?

Certainly not what the Rothschilds did. They simply did a lot cousin/uncle etc. marriages to keep money/influence in the same family. This was a bog standard tactic among royals of the era and led to a lot inbreeding defects, not optimized genetics. However, if you were irrationally convinced you were "special" you might still think of it that way.

Be careful automatically believing that. Remember that according to this bloodline theory, if a competing bloodline is fighting for limited resources they are incentivised to propagandise people to weaken their bloodlines.

I wouldn't necessarily believe the whole bloodline theory wholesale but it does make a lot of sense if it's true and gives a lot of insight into what some elites believe.

Conversation with a Rothchild - CynicalContrarian - 01-25-2019

The thing with this supposed Rothschild Q&A; yeah, it's easy to mock or dismiss or deem unreasonable to ordinary folk.
Yet the very nature of a 'bloodline' orientated globalist type character, would be someone of obscure tradition & thought, to whom extreme globalist / bloodline minded nonsense would be deemed 'normal'.

Know your enemy better than they know themselves...

Extreme bloodline orientated dogma may well be a foolish endeavour.
Does not mean the sinister sods out there do not take it very seriously. Even to the point where they are willing to start wars or kill off whole populations.

Conversation with a Rothchild - ChicagoFire - 01-25-2019

Quote: (01-25-2019 01:21 AM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

This was one of the most interesting pieces on AC in a while.

Agreed. I saw this on AC a couple days ago and just skimmed through it. I will look into it more thoroughly now since guys like Aurini vouch for it. The problem with AC is he's hit or miss. For those that don't know what I'm talking about in the CBTS thread I would post up questionable material AC would bring up (like Bannon being a double agen) only for SP5 to debunk it. Don't get me started on how he claims Q will save us any day now. Silliest thing I've seen him write hands down is how Q is connected to the Saints football team losing to the Rams because of that non-call in the playoffs.* I rate this site and Conservative Treehouse better.


Somebody on Q’s board noted this years Superbowl will be fought between the Patriots, and the Goat-heads. And the Goat-heads won off a totally missed penalty call. If the ref had had any sort of awareness of what was going on, he should have called pass interference, and the Rams would have lost. As Q says, how many times can it be a coincidence? Is everything controlled? Could those refs be in the network, and have been given orders to let the Rams win?

Conversation with a Rothchild - Cal Meacham - 01-25-2019

I have been reading that thread as well. It sure is a long one.

The juice is generally worth the squeeze, but I can't help thinking that when Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines meets Gattaca, then all bets are off.

In one generation all the faulty million year old genes can be replaced by something off a menu.

I will take the Ashkenazi intelligence, hold the Tay-Sachs, please.

Conversation with a Rothchild - nomadbrah - 01-25-2019

This is not something that the Rothschilds came up with.

Nobility has always been about selective breeding. They even call it that "a man of good breeding" (

The jews infiltrated the royal bloodlines with money and that's the reason much of the British nobles are such degenerate losers.

Becase their own semite genes are so inbred, they constantly try to aquite the goyim geneseed, see Kushner marrying Ivanka and Rothschild marrying Hilton.

Conversation with a Rothchild - Gimlet - 01-25-2019


Quote:Somebody on Q’s board noted this years Superbowl will be fought between the Patriots, and the Goat-heads. And the Goat-heads won off a totally missed penalty call. If the ref had had any sort of awareness of what was going on, he should have called pass interference, and the Rams would have lost. As Q says, how many times can it be a coincidence? Is everything controlled? Could those refs be in the network, and have been given orders to let the Rams win?

A ram is a sheep head, not a goat head. Sheep and goats are two different species. Q and his adherents strike again...

Conversation with a Rothchild - Kona - 01-25-2019

Quote: (01-25-2019 03:40 PM)Gimlet Wrote:  


Quote:Somebody on Q’s board noted this years Superbowl will be fought between the Patriots, and the Goat-heads. And the Goat-heads won off a totally missed penalty call. If the ref had had any sort of awareness of what was going on, he should have called pass interference, and the Rams would have lost. As Q says, how many times can it be a coincidence? Is everything controlled? Could those refs be in the network, and have been given orders to let the Rams win?

A ram is a sheep head, not a goat head. Sheep and goats are two different species. Q and his adherents strike again...

The Rams used to be in St. Louis which is where they shot that guy and started black lives matter. Plus they used to be called the greatest show on turf and had a player named LONDON Fletcher. London is now controlled by Muslims.

It's so clear what's really going on.


Conversation with a Rothchild - 911 - 01-25-2019

Quote: (01-25-2019 03:40 PM)Gimlet Wrote:  


Quote:Somebody on Q’s board noted this years Superbowl will be fought between the Patriots, and the Goat-heads. And the Goat-heads won off a totally missed penalty call. If the ref had had any sort of awareness of what was going on, he should have called pass interference, and the Rams would have lost. As Q says, how many times can it be a coincidence? Is everything controlled? Could those refs be in the network, and have been given orders to let the Rams win?

A ram is a sheep head, not a goat head. Sheep and goats are two different species. Q and his adherents strike again...

Boards like Q are infiltrated by shills who spread completely idiotic conspiracies that end up getting propagated by the dumber posters/useful idiots. Other such "poison the well" conspiracies are Flat Earth, Dinosaurs are fake, shape-shifting reptilians, Aliens on earth and so forth. They're pushed by well-funded professional shills and kept alive by people who are skeptical enough to not trust the official version, but not smart enough to filter out the outrageously silly conspiracies.

As to the NFL, there is always a small bias in pro sports towards the bigger market franchises, that might have worked in the LA Rams' favor in a tight game, there isn't much more to this.

Quote: (01-25-2019 01:28 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

This is not something that the Rothschilds came up with.

Nobility has always been about selective breeding. They even call it that "a man of good breeding" (

The jews infiltrated the royal bloodlines with money and that's the reason much of the British nobles are such degenerate losers.

Becase their own semite genes are so inbred, they constantly try to aquite the goyim geneseed, see Kushner marrying Ivanka and Rothschild marrying Hilton.

True, Diana was the bastard daughter of James Goldsmith,
who was known to have an affair with her mother, and who bears a strong resemblance to Diana. She also looks a lot like her half-sibling Goldsmiths.

[Image: New%20Picture%20(7).jpg]
[Image: GoldsmithdiZac.jpg]

Goldsmith is a very close associate of the Rothschilds. Charles was not particularly fond of Diana, she was pretty much imposed on him.

The Rothschilds have been inbred with other high finance Jewish families for centuries, like the Worms, Kuhns, and the Schiffs, who were one of their many NYC banking outposts going back to the 19th century (they were one of the main financiers of the Bolshevik revolution).

The clan's founder Mayer Amschell Bauer got his start in the 18th century from the Oppenheimers (who centuries later pretty much owned South Africa, and who started Deutsche Bank), he ended up swindling crown prince Wilhelm of Hesse, stealing his fortune as Germany was getting overrun by Napoleon. The Rothschilds reinvested this fortune into the English stock market, which they cornered through insider trading and by spreading false rumors about a British defeat at Waterloo.

As DarkTriad mentioned about their breeding patterns, it's not so much about eugenics, but about preserving the clan, its fortune, its culture and immense political power at the top of globalist finance.

Culturally, their tribe is Sabbatean-Frankist, a luciferian kabalistic zio-messianic cult started out by Sabbatai Tzevi in the 17th century. At the time half of Europe's jewery followed this cult. Jacob Frank, who was a Rothschild relative, carried this on, and most major revolutions starting with the French Revolution, on to the Bolshevik and Ataturk's takeover were manipulated and financed by Frankists.

It's hard to understand recent history and current politics without a deeper understanding of this cultural/religious facet of the clans at the top of the oligarch pyramid.

Conversation with a Rothchild - debeguiled - 01-25-2019

Quote: (01-25-2019 05:19 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2019 03:40 PM)Gimlet Wrote:  


Quote:Somebody on Q’s board noted this years Superbowl will be fought between the Patriots, and the Goat-heads. And the Goat-heads won off a totally missed penalty call. If the ref had had any sort of awareness of what was going on, he should have called pass interference, and the Rams would have lost. As Q says, how many times can it be a coincidence? Is everything controlled? Could those refs be in the network, and have been given orders to let the Rams win?

A ram is a sheep head, not a goat head. Sheep and goats are two different species. Q and his adherents strike again...

The Rams used to be in St. Louis which is where they shot that guy and started black lives matter. Plus they used to be called the greatest show on turf and had a player named LONDON Fletcher. London is now controlled by Muslims.

It's so clear what's really going on.


That you spend too much time watching football?

Conversation with a Rothchild - Kona - 01-25-2019

Quote: (01-25-2019 06:22 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2019 05:19 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2019 03:40 PM)Gimlet Wrote:  


Quote:Somebody on Q’s board noted this years Superbowl will be fought between the Patriots, and the Goat-heads. And the Goat-heads won off a totally missed penalty call. If the ref had had any sort of awareness of what was going on, he should have called pass interference, and the Rams would have lost. As Q says, how many times can it be a coincidence? Is everything controlled? Could those refs be in the network, and have been given orders to let the Rams win?

A ram is a sheep head, not a goat head. Sheep and goats are two different species. Q and his adherents strike again...

The Rams used to be in St. Louis which is where they shot that guy and started black lives matter. Plus they used to be called the greatest show on turf and had a player named LONDON Fletcher. London is now controlled by Muslims.

It's so clear what's really going on.


That you spend too much time watching football?

Somebody already tried to pee on my leg and tell me a goat isn't a sheep. Don't you start now.


Conversation with a Rothchild - The Beast1 - 01-25-2019

Quote: (01-25-2019 02:08 AM)Gorgiass Wrote:  

I'm living for me, not for some potential future kid who might turn out to be a little shithead anyway, even if he has an IQ of 150 and 5% body fat.

It's an investment in the future. It's the same mentality of winning the lottery, do you invest it or be like every other poor person and spend it all?

I think you're smarter than the average bear and you'd invest it but the thinking is the same.

For what it's worth, the Hapsburgs are still around.

Conversation with a Rothchild - PharaohRa - 01-25-2019

The thing with the Rothschild bloodline is that at one point, the family was at the top of the game. Then, they thought they were in the position where they could have it all without having a physical presence just because they had so much control of the printing presses and could assign "lackeys" to be the face that the public would see. It is one thing to control money, but you cannot control the will of the people without being visible yourself.