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Soros vs Xi(China)

Soros vs Xi(China)

Quote: (01-28-2019 07:11 PM)Sherman Wrote:  

China is the only country that can resist the globhomo advance. They are too big to be bullied by the Western degenerate elites. Cultural Marxists can be identified with glorious AI technology and quietly disappeared. Chairman Xi wants you to wait for the green light before you cross the street. If you do, you will get an increment of your social score. The leftists thugs of the West want you to think the right degenerate thoughts 24/7. That is the meaning of totalitarianism. A dictator just cares that you obey the rules. A totalitarian demands you think the right thoughts. Your children will be taught the virtues of LGBT starting in Kindergarten. By the time they reach 13 they will have changed sex at least once and will hate you. They will report you, if you say anything politically incorrect. If I wasn't a white monkey, I would move to China.

The bolded is true in China as well, the only difference is that "politically incorrect" is defined differently there than here.

Don't romanticize the Chinese government. They are a different enemy than the globalists, but they are nonetheless an enemy. They absolutely care about thought crimes among their own people; not as much with foreigners, but that will change as they expand their tentacles globally. They're also showing an increasing adeptness at using globalist language for their own ends--Chinese student associations in western universities report to Beijing, and one of them at a university in San Diego a few years ago attempted to get the Dalai Lama barred from speaking. Whether or not you care about that specifically, what was alarming was that their campaign to do so used SJW type language--claiming the student group inviting him was being culturally insensitive to the Chinese students, etc. The Chinese ambassador to Canada also recently accused the Canadian government of "white supremacy" for arresting Meng Wanzhou (the daughter of the Huawei CEO).

I personally suspect that while many of the scumbags in the western media are SJW true believers, many others are simply on Beijing's payroll. If a bunch of illiterate goat fuckers in the Middle East figured out a decade and a half ago that they can ally themselves with SJWs to drive a wedge into the west, you don't think the CCP (which actually has explicit ties to leftist movements in the west going back to the 50s and 60s) has done the same?

I got my Magnum condoms, I got my wad of hundreds, I'm ready to plow!

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