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Soros vs Xi(China)

Soros vs Xi(China)

Marxism in China isn't a watered-down or Sinicized version of the ideology, it IS the ideology, because the essential feature of Marxism is dialectical materialism and that is exactly what the Chinese Communist Party follows. They are smart enough to know that communism isn't actually about central planning or Soviet-style apartment complexes.

The question now is whether the old men in charge of China decide to keep following Marx and join forces with the Western globalists (who are also essentially communists), or keep adding "Chinese" characteristics to their regime to the point where dialectical materialism is forced out. If they take the first option then we will see more feminism, homosexuality, and other forms of "liberation" being promoted in China. If the second option is taken then we'll see Xi Jinping continue to purge the Party elite and turn himself into more of a Putin figure.

Soros' statements are a political criticism of a comrade who seems he might be going astray. The globalists are warning Xi to stop with his counterrevolutionary tendencies.

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