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Soros vs Xi(China)

Soros vs Xi(China)

Out of all people imaginable - George Soros has voiced opinion, shared with many in this forum, that electronic surveillance and total control are biggest threat to freedom in modern world. This total surveillance is currently championed by China and their citizen credit system as well as Facebook, Google and similar silicon Valley big tech companies.

I find it surprising that he out of all people says something I have felt for a long time - China as raising economic and military power, with it's communism, censorship, soft colonization of Africa, most advanced prototype for a technocratic total 1984 type control system, it's export or oppression to other countries like Venezuela and even dumbing down of consumer products like movies and video games is the biggest global threat to freedom in modern times.

What do you think? is Soros pretending? Trying to turn coat? Afraid of raising nationalism? Maybe simply jealous China has surpassed him in successful implementation of social engineering of total control?

Who do you think is more the enemy of freedom? Soros and his supposed covert Cultural Marxism or China with open and unashamed censorship and communist dictatorship?

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