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Righteous Christian Woman Tweets Truth, Enrages Degenerate Feminists and Soyboys

Righteous Christian Woman Tweets Truth, Enrages Degenerate Feminists and Soyboys

Quote: (12-10-2018 07:16 PM)Helpful Science Guy Wrote:  

I have never heard those arguments before, apart from being a virgin obviously.

The fact that you have not heard those arguments before shows just how far the average Western men have fallen from their traditional roots.

Marrying a young virgin wife and having many children including sons to carry your name forward is the successful norm for every man in every civilisation that has ever existed on this planet, including Western ones. It is not even remotely controversial or new. I did not create these arguments, I'm simply repeating the wisdom that has served our civilisations for a very long time.

Now, marriage is a personal choice, if you think it's not worth it because of your own reasoning, that's perfectly fine. However I suggest not learning from unsuccessful people when you make one of the most important decisions in your life.

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