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Righteous Christian Woman Tweets Truth, Enrages Degenerate Feminists and Soyboys

Righteous Christian Woman Tweets Truth, Enrages Degenerate Feminists and Soyboys

Quote: (12-10-2018 08:34 AM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Cars + insurance
Health insurance
Mortgage (higher if you wanna live in a nicer area)
private school
Property taxes
Food costs

I think the above are becoming non-negotiable in the modern US. And why I would argue that women, unfortunately, have to also work in order to support a family.

Contrary to pretty much everything I have posted so far, there are a lot of reasons to keep your wife in the work force once all children are in grade school.

If you lose your job, your family will not lose health insurance, and household income doesn't drop to zero.

Saving an additional $20k/yr can make a real retirement possible.

Women who are stay at home Moms for only one or two children might end up with nothing to do all day, and get depressed/bored enough to have an affair or otherwise start acting crazy.

The ideal scenario would be something that is low stress and essentially part time, even if it is not highly compensated. This way she can prioritize her children over her job, she doesn't have the illusion that she has a "career", and the man is still the bread winner.

A lot of nonprofits have positions like this that are perfect for women with children. Low stress, not highly compensated, and there are zero Chads in the office who will try to plow your lady.

If you don't mind cold, New Hampshire/Vermont/Maine have really low costs of living and decent schools. Florida actually has areas, believe it or not, with good public schools, zero state income tax, and reasonable housing costs. I am sure other guys on here know of similar places.

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