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Righteous Christian Woman Tweets Truth, Enrages Degenerate Feminists and Soyboys

Righteous Christian Woman Tweets Truth, Enrages Degenerate Feminists and Soyboys

Quote: (12-10-2018 06:18 AM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

My wife follows everything in that list on the stay-at-home side. She would love to read this Christian lady's blog.

You still can make an average wage and have your wife stay at home to raise a bunch of kids now. My friend is doing this on an average blue collar salary, his wife homeschools their 4 children with a 5th on the way. He lives in a country town though. His wife also does some small home business to make some side money. They're extremely frugal.

I make decent money in the $100k range, my wife stays at home and will be homeschooling our children too. We live in an expensive area at the moment, but our frugality and minimalism keep our costs way down. My wife is also creating a couple of home businesses to make some extra cash.

If any of you have ever read The Millionaire Next Door, you'll remember them talking about two kinds of stay-at-home wives. The bad kind doesn't do much and spends money as hard as the husband earns it. The good kind plays defense superbly well with their finances (the husband plays offense), makes the family dollars go further, and is even more frugal than the husband. That is our model. We also follow Mr Money Mustache's lifestyle and financial freedom model as well.

My wife follows some entrepreneurial SAHMs on social media, they all have 3 or more children, keep the house in excellent condition and keep themselves in great shape for their husbands.

There's too much "it's too hard, can't do it" or "it's pointless, we're all doomed anyway" attitude in this thread and on this forum lately. Let's hear something more actionable and positive, shall we?

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