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Righteous Christian Woman Tweets Truth, Enrages Degenerate Feminists and Soyboys

Righteous Christian Woman Tweets Truth, Enrages Degenerate Feminists and Soyboys

My wife works but we don't have kids and sort of need the extra money now. I am looking at ways to transition to a home based, ideally location independent business before having children.

I knew a single mother who seemed to make the best of it. She was a lawyer who worked at home except to meet clients or make a court appearance. While her work was full time she was still at home the vast majority of the time and generally only out of the home when the children were at school anyways. Not sure if she farmed out the paralegal work but she was probably billing $250 an hour (this was 10 years ago in a smaller centre) while getting tax write offs of a chunk of her mortgage.

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