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Righteous Christian Woman Tweets Truth, Enrages Degenerate Feminists and Soyboys

Righteous Christian Woman Tweets Truth, Enrages Degenerate Feminists and Soyboys

Quote: (12-09-2018 01:18 PM)jeffreyjerpp Wrote:  

Cucked Christian weighs in:
Goblin tier feminist mother gives her 2 cents:
Could you be more of a sexist dumbass?!?! I have a PhD, 2 human children, several furry children, a husband. I am the chair of my department, donated 70 hours of my time to my children’s k-8 school EACH year both of them were there, went on field trips."

Neither can actually refute the main points, just ad hominem attacks and accusations of "shaming".

Proof that
1) feminists hate women who don't agree with their fanaticism just as much as they hate men;
2) they do not care about children (putting their PETS on the same level as their human offspring);
3) they are so insecure in others not seeing educational/career accomplishments as virtuous and right that they must double down on shoving them in the face of others.

among other things. also holy shit the actual face of that "woman", it looks like the White Rabbit's from the original Alice in Wonderland

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