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Miami Florida - an updated data sheet

Miami Florida - an updated data sheet

Quote: (11-17-2018 11:32 AM)lunchmoney Wrote:  

Quote: (11-16-2018 10:07 PM)pazuk123 Wrote:  

Miami Beach is absolutely one of my favorite places in the US. Went as a kid, went on Spring Break in college, and still go now to this day at 40. Almost always go between Art Basel week in Dec through March. So much to do, so many opportunities to game whatever your style may be. Daygame on Lincoln Road (I know the Lion of Lincoln Road), nights attempting to hit on models at Delano ha ha. The world is your oyster there.

Here’s a good story from a long weekend a few years ago... met my best friend there, he was in town for some medical device convention. We were staying at Eden Roc. The first night, I arrived late, dropped the bags at the hotel and walked next door to the lobby bar of the Fontainebleau to meet him and a few doctors for a few drinks. They had to get up early for this conference, and I was nowhere ready to head back. I was stalking the entrance to LIV and timed my walk-in perfectly at the tail end of a bachelorette party of about 15 girls with a few random guys with them with no 2nd thought by the doorman. Once inside, I’m walking around downstairs dolo, looking for the best place to post up. After grabbing a drink, I wander over near the VIP roped off area. The smell of weed is thick. One of the guys from the VIP area leaves the velvet rope to go to the bathroom, and on his way back I start shooting the shit with him. He invites me into the roped off area, under the guise of “I’m looking for some weed.” I’m in. The VIP area is for some rapper from Hampton Roads area in VA. I drop how last time I was there, I was in some all black club (I’m as white as can be) and Mike and Marcus Vick were there. We’re immediately friends ha ha.

After countless bottles and blunts, I’ve zeroed in on one of the blondes. We’re on the couch together, making out and the rapper says it’s time to go grab breakfast. We walk outside the Fountainebleau and all back Suburbans pull up. Off to some diner we go. Throw back some food and the girl I’m with is starting to get sleepy (it’s probably 6:00am. I tell her to just come back with me. They drop us off at the Fontainebleau but I’m really staying next door at the Eden Roc and my best friend is in the room sleeping. As we are walking in the hallway of the Fountainebleau, I notice the spa or massage are with these huge wooden doors. I grab her by the hand and and head for the door praying it’s unlocked. Get inside, put her on top of the massage table, hike up her skirt, pull down my jeans. I’m railing her and maybe 10 minutes into it there’s banging on the door and a security guard walks in. I don’t know what to do! I pull up my pants as far as I can and just run. The security guard chases after me and when I hit the door, I try to slam it but I slam it right on my pinky. This HUGE WOODEN DOOR! I run out, straight out the front of the hotel and next door into the Eden Roc where I’m actually staying. When I get into the room, my best friend is just getting up to head out to the conference. I bust into the room, missing a shirt and my finger throbbing. He leaves, I take a shower, head down to the hotel market for a water, hangover helper, suntan lotion and out to the beach in no sleep where I crash for a few hours.

Later that night, we popped around a few places. The Clevelander to see a friend of mine who bartender there in the winter. End up meeting a Argentinian girl with fake tits, we make out on the rooftop at the Dream. Back to her place and we bang all night.

Of course, going out with my best friend on Saturday night I’m looking for that trifecta. I was probably pressing and it didn’t happen. Didn’t even really get close. Around midnight call the Argentinian and roll to her place around 3. Ahhh Miami how I love you so.

Again, most of my time has been spent in Miami Beach/South Beach but I’ve been to Wynwood, Brickell, Hialeah, Coconut Grove, but SB has always treated me the best. Can’t wait for this year, as cold as it is here now in Maryland, wont be long.

That my man is an incredible story. When you ran, did the girl stay or come with you? The rapper from Hampton Roads Va could have been Pusha T, he is pretty big now. Either way, South Florida is one of the best weekend getaways from Thanksgiving through Easter for game. Brickell and Wynwood are the in spots now, and as such, gaming is tougher compared to a few years ago. SB is always a good place to land, if even for a day/night when in town because of the variety of 7s and 8s around.

Lunchmoney - I just looked back through photos, it was 2013. Not sure who the rapper was, I don't think was anyone really of note. So when I ran, I ran straight down the hall and out the front of the hotel, leaving the girl in the dust. Didn't get her number, she only knew my first name ha ha. I like Brickell, but one of my friends from NYC wanted a change from the city and moved there about 4 years go. He's in finance, lived in the SLS, great spot. He didn't even make it a year. He hated it.

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