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Tinder App

Tinder App

Quote: (09-24-2018 09:13 PM)jacknap Wrote:  

sucks. I was doing so well in tinder 2016- till summer 2018 and the results from it beat even my best year in daygame lay wise but now my account gets banned too fast where I'd have to buy a new phone number every week which is about 15-30$.

Might have to cut my losses because the amount of effort I have to make learning new algorithms etc. is starting to make it not worth it.

I'll just be grateful of the brief period of success I had with it. It's a bit scary though as majority of girls I'm sleeping with ongoing are from tinder now.

1. You don't need a new phone number for a new account. Just a new Facebook.

2. If your account is getting banned, you're doing something wrong.

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