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Lisbon WTF!

Lisbon WTF!

Quote: (07-26-2018 06:50 AM)morales Wrote:  

1. It's still a good time to go, it's still summer don't worry. Might not the peak of the summer but still worth it as most locals will be back from their vacations probably and many international students are incoming
2.The closest you can get from pink street and bairro alto (meaning downtown area). Halfway from those two would be perfect and you'd also be close or a cheap uber to anything that's interesting in lisbon.
3. Once again, pink street and bairro alto are the main bar areas where people are drinking on the streets and you can approach like hell. You are going to have women older than 25 but there will no be no shortage of your age preference. There's one club which you can't walk from there and worth to go that is called Lux. It's my favourite disco in Lisbon

thanks morales, appreciate that.

In terms of accom, I'd be keen to stay somewhere thats walking distance (stumbling distance) from a cluster of cool bars. The aspect of my game i want to have down is the organisation of logistics. For me, logistics takes away so much of the work. I'd like the ability to meet a girl, and at some point be able to say 'hey, lets grab a quick drink at my apartment / need to change shirts quickly / come check out my view etc, then we'll head back downstairs'.

1. Do you recommend me staying in an apartment, hotel or guesthouse?
2. What would be the best street(s) to stay on? (Ive attached a map of bairro alto)

Anyone can chime in if they've got some insight into this. Thanks!!

edit: sorry, i dont know how to make the map smaller and less in-your-face.

[Image: attachment.jpg39583]   

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