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Notchcount and fidelity stats

Notchcount and fidelity stats

As usual, people have a difficult time interpreting stats. Just to remember, however, the amount of participants in this survey:


There were 232 male and 59 female responses that were usable

Is too small to be significant.



Thanks to HUS readers who participated in the Fidelity Survey.

There's a huge selection bias, since Susan Walsh sent over Hooking Up Smart readers to participate. These readers all have an ideological edge to grind out.

However, let's go through the stats:


1. Married, admitted to cheating:

Females: 8%

Males: 15%

2. Married, betrayed by spouse:

Females: 14%

Males: 23%

Women lied about their cheating at nearly 3 times the rate that they actually cheated on their husbands.

Right away, we know everything that women say is bullshit on this survey. Total skepticism is required.

There's also the added complication that most husbands never catch their cheating wives, so the amount of males that report being cheated on is probably too low. 23%? I bet that number is closer to double.


4. Female infidelity was strongly correlated to lifetime number of sex partners:

1-3 partners: 0% cheated

4-9 partners: 20% cheated

10+ partners: 43% cheated

How can anyone reasonably believe this? Those in the 1-3 part might be cheating and not admitting it. Their reputation is too important.

They will lie to anyone, even themselves. I don't doubt that they cheated at a lower frequency than the higher partner count, but to say that 0% cheated is a lie.


6. Male infidelity and being betrayed by one’s wife were both strongly correlated to the male’s lifetime number of sex partners:

1-3 partners: 3% cheated, 14% betrayed

4-9 partners: 12% cheated, 30% betrayed

10-19 partners: 28% cheated, 31% betrayed

20+ partners: 43% cheated, 43% betrayed

This statistic is misleading as fuck.

Notice, that as the man's partner count increases, the % chance of the woman cheating on him increases. That's because as his sexual experience with women increases, so does his ability to spot female infidelity.

What it shows is that the men with more partner counts are more likely to catch female cheaters, not that men with lower partner counts are less likely to be cheated on.

Remember what we know:

- A man with 1-3 partners is most likely a beta.
- All women have the same nature.

A beta is unlikely to catch his woman cheating. None of the girls with boyfriends I've fucked have ever let their boyfriends know about it, nor do they catch her.

Betas are clueless.


7. 35% of the men with 20+ partners were divorced.

Because men with game have more options, and are less likely to put up with bullshit in a marriage.

In summary, these statistics were a meaningless blog experiment with too low of a sample size and biased participants.

Because of the inability for females to tell the truth on sexually related matters, there's zero credibility on what can be said about women in this survey. Do sluttier women make for worse wives? Maybe, but you can't tell from the liars on this survey.

And what this survey says about men is that Alpha males enjoy the company of more women in their lifetime, and deal with less abuse from the women they are with. Since they can recognize a woman for who she is, they are more likely to have a higher quality of love life.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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