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I fell in love abroad, sustain it or forget it?

I fell in love abroad, sustain it or forget it?

Sounds like you had your first great experience with a woman. It really is amazing, isn't it.

As a younger man I remember thinking, "I'm a person who, on school or work nights, likes to be in bed by at least midnight and get a good nights rest (I'm not one for lack of sleep), but somehow I'm staying up every night with this girl until all hours of the morning, and then I'm still jumping out of bed bright and early!?!?"

Any man who's fallen in 'puppy love' has been there.

To your question though...and I'll provide some points that might run a little contrary to what others have said (although I would still defer to kaotic on the overall wisdom)...

Don't red pill your feelings and desires too much. Don't read this shit and shut all that down. Feel it completely. I think that's important (at least it was for me). What does that mean pragmatically?

"She's the one" ...ok, perhaps she is the one. Let's pretend she is. That's fine, let your feelings go there, but don't do anything too stupid. Don't go buy a ring and propose (I know that's not what you were asking). Don't even think about buying a ring. Don't expect you're going to fly down there for Christmas with the family. Don't think she's going to jump through all the hoops to get a visa to move in with you. **She's not**.

You're going to going home and miss her and think about taking a trip back or her to you, message her back and forth, maybe a skype call or two (or ten), but she will move on. There are other dudes knocking on that door, and she's not going to just wait up for you. It makes no sense for her to.

We're all on this gradient:
All woman sluts, no women worth it <--------------> She's the one

Let your feelings fly wherever they want on that, but don't ever think and act at either extremes. They're equally dangerous.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

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