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How bad the average guys game is

How bad the average guys game is

Quote: (03-15-2012 01:14 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

I will bash the younger generation.

No class.

Trust me, I look for young kids I can bring into my fold.

None of them have any style or class. Cheapskates as well. Ungrateful. No work ethic. And they don't listen.

When I was a young G coming up, I respected my elders. I listened. I kept my mouth shut. If I wanted to learn from them, I took them to lunch. Or dinner. Or drinks. I paid.

I never see any of that get up an go anymore.

I have nearly given up on them.

Every younger generation appears this way to older generations and every older generation hasn't stopped to realize they were the same way. It will continue on a cycle forever.

The cream rises to the top. There are kids just like us out there that are maybe in middle school right now that will take the initiative to make something of themselves. They will be the ones teaching game to us to appeal to the younger generations. Humanity adapts and reacts. If the younger generation is changing how they interact, men will just find a new way to get the pussy. If the new generations lived in a complete entitlement mentality and never got anything because of it, the human race would slowly die out. Just as much as there are the lazy kids out there, there are also the ones that adapt and learn for the better.

He who hesitates, masturbates.

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