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How bad the average guys game is

How bad the average guys game is

Quote: (03-15-2012 01:04 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

The strongest Game I ever see is from smokers and the smoking areas.

The strongest game I've seen lately was from a older, classy cat with a radio voice. I'd say he was in his mid 50s, and he was rolling with a blonde in her early-to-mid 40s. Good looking for her age, stylish, kept her figure. They were at the same cafe as me, and the guy was dropping story and after story. Interesting shit that had me taking notes, and had her laughing and captivated. At a certain point, I laughed out loud at one of his punchlines. Don't know if they noticed.

When the workers came around to announce that the cafe was closing in 10 minutes, he turned to her and said, cool as a cucumber: "Let's get into an adventure. We're not going anywhere until they kick us out. Let's see how much trouble we can get into." She giggled like a 17-year-old.

Game recognized.

Quote: (03-15-2012 01:04 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

And I have gone out 2-5 nights a week since I was 16-17 or so.

How long ago was this?

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