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Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Quote: (05-02-2018 08:09 PM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

Go to night markets at Vic market if they are still on.
Alot of overseas chicks at Vic markets.

If you don't have logistics forget it.

No use living in Dandy trying to pick up in the city.

If you have an Apartment in the city you are laughing.

Most dudes talk about their game but without logistics you are fucked.I listen to master PUA and dudes my age that fuck young strippers or get young birds.

Fuckers are so blind they can't see that living on Collins is a major part of their game.

Also you'll score country girls like this it will be the anchor of your game.

Women are women they crave security and ease.

Meet a lone backpacker, interstater in the city you can invite here straight over for a drink, coffee, rest etc.

this is great advice. i live at the eureka tower and ive just started tapping into travellers. I have had a few two sets (foreigners) back at mine but nothing eventuated because of the cockblock friend.

For example, on tuesday afternoon i was walking past the queue for the skydeck observatory, and there were two cute girls in the line (one from italy and one from spain), i approached them (wanting the italian one) and suggested to them to save some money and come up to my apartment for the views instead, they complied. I did state my intent to the italian one on the approach so she knew what was up. They came up, checked out the views, were impressed, we built rapport, had a quick drink and then they left because i had to resume work. They came back later that night for cocktails, and i tried to make a move on the italian and she freaked the fuck out. This isnt the first time this has happened. So i dont think 2 sets is the way forward for me personally, because their motivation is for the travel experience rather than the sexual experience. Ive had more luck with one sets, which is what i'll stick to. If i do see a cute girl in a 2 set then i will just get the number and get her out alone later that week. If she asks to bring her friend, then i'll can it. If she comes alone, then she knows what shes getting herself in for.

Anyone else had similar experiences with 2 sets? ie. they comply with your suggestions and offers, but when push comes to shove, they dont go through with it.

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