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Black American Tourist Killed in Greece

Black American Tourist Killed in Greece

Quote: (04-03-2018 11:15 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Look - violent crime in Greece is almost non-existent. This was more akin to some brawl. No idea whether the Serbs mistook him for a fresh violent African refugee or they were criminals.

Fact is - and the stats back it up - it's infinitely safer for a black guy to party in Greece even when surrounded by almost all white guys than to party in rough black neighborhoods in the US. This happened within 30 seconds and was more a drunken brawl.

The cases are so few and far in between that you have to look for them:

Young men will get into brawls. Young men will die in brawls in the future and there is not much you can do about it unless we have some future high-tech of advanced medicine and safety shield/foam/nano-bot tech suit that will protect us from harm. But until then young men will die.

Also - most young men dying in Greece are in accidents, car/bike accidents, drowning, jumping into the sea and bashing your head in, slipping from rocks, taking selfies and dying while trying to get the shot of your life.

There are no KKK-gangs bashing black folk especially since most tourists coming to Greece are well-off enough and the Greeks are quite protective of them. At best they are going to overcharge you for your cab or try to scam you.


Serbia - where a black guy can feel like a celebrity and little kids come up to you and take pictures, because they see a cool black guy there.


@Zel, great post. You expressed my thoughts a lot better than I did. It is really safe. That said you will stick out if you look gypsy/ ME (much like Caucasians stick out in Russia, or people that look like them), and people will make assumptions or have very weird stereotypes, assumptions about you, b/c they interact so little with people that are different. Doesn't mean they're racist, just means they're in uncharted territory so to speak.

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