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Moving to the USA from Canada

Moving to the USA from Canada

Sorry to hear you are packing up and leaving town - it will be the 604's loss. It is definitely understandable and good for you to get out of this overpriced, socialist la-la land they are trying to build though. The NDP's promise of free stuff will either put the province seriously in debt again or just stifle innovation and businesses as companies and business owners like yourself move elsewhere. Not to mention the high cost of living, rain half the year, and snobby local women, etc.

Despite a low-6 figure salary, I was barely socking away $10-20K per year even with side hustles due to the tax rate and cost of housing. It's disheartening to see the amount they deduct off a paycheque. I have days where I debate between whether making it work here vs achieving financial independence and build that nest egg / internet business to move abroad for good. The latter option is becoming increasingly more attractive

Datasheet: Vancouver, BC

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