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Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

I was at the Night For Freedom. It was a great night! A success by every measure. There was room for improvement but as the first event of its kind, Mike did a fantastic job. Even though I only bought a general ticket, Mike was kind enough to let me in early for the PodCast (worth at least 500). I quickly seized the opportunity to ask the hard questions and make the event serious:


I had a great time after I drew attention to myself. I was able to promote a project I was working on to great success. Spoke with both Mike and his wife. His wife knew me from online and told me, "You're Samseau? You make me so PISSED off!" To which I replied, "I piss off a lot of women..." but it was all good. She seemed to like me and Mike was juggling 1000 things at once but he still gave me two good conversations throughout the night.

The first time we spoke was just general introductions, and I showed him a project I'm working on. The second time we spoke was after his wife saw me again and dragged me by my arm to Mike and said "This guy Samseau is the one who pisses me off!" Mike showed no emotion but if I had to guess he thought it was amusing.

I took the opportunity to tell him there, about 3 hours into the event, that it was a big success on every level and congratulated him. He nodded, and said this was the future of political events. He actually asked about this forum. He said, "Seems like every time I log onto the RVF there are people hating on me, why?" I told him I always defend him, and I've criticized those who anklebite. I always ask people here rhetorically, if anyone from RVF becomes successful we have to deal with people on here hating on us? Mike nodded in appreciation, he continued to run his event and I continued to network.

I met Jack Posobiec, who told me he is friends with gmac. Jack is a stand-up man. Clean cut, smart, incisive, I like Jack quite much. He is a man's man and he was also supportive of my project I was working on. His wife was very sweet, quiet, and pregnant. Congratulations Jack.

Gavin McInnes was very dismissive to me. He refused to talk about my project (turned down my card) and seemed extremely elitist. He views himself and his "proud boys" as the super elite men who will go around beating the shit out of AntiFa and other leftists. Not sure Gavin's approach is helpful, but he has a large following so I guess people find him entertaining.

Didn't find Owen.

I spoke with Stefan Molyneux quite extensively at the end of the night. Had some intense philosophical conversations regarding Kant. He's an empiricist, so Kant's transcendental realism (a modified form of idealism) serves as a heavy challenge to the British empiricist school. I asked him some hard questions, and he gave me great answers! I promoted my project to him, and he also asked if I would be willing to talk on his show sometime. I agreed and hopefully I can debate him on a podcast. Us philosophers love a good debate.

After speaking with Stefan, some drunk girl said "WOW you really held your own against Stefan, blah blah blah" and was hanging on my arm for the rest of the night. I did not pursue her because I was traveling with a girl to NYC I had to meet later anyways.

If you guys have any other questions, let me know and I'll tell you more.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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