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The Stefan Molyneux Thread

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-22-2018 08:13 AM)remarkable vigour Wrote:  

Quote: (01-21-2018 10:01 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

Gonna go out on a limb here.

I've had it with Moly and Styx. Youtube E-Sleb pundits. Fuck them.

I've been watching them for a while now. Closely. Doing research.

Academics please respond!

They won't do fuck all that upsets their demographic.

Roosh has the right idea.

He has a bit of a presence on youtube, but he doesn't use that as his main platform to panhandle. He just uses it to shitpost.

The moral cowardice of Moly and Styx sickens me. I want nothing to do with them. I'm dropping out of this party. I'll think less of you if you like them.

Also, Black Pigeon? Love the guy, but for fuck's sake how the fuck can you listen to a guy with such a bad speech impediment? Prosody? Have you heard of it?

I'm sorry for posting some vids by these clown before, it won't happen again.

Can you describe their demographic and give examples of their moral cowardice, thanks.

Remarkable Vigour

Sure I could. Quite a few examples.

Usually when I do this, I get no reply

No one listens to youtube pundits anymore. This is 2018. Are you honestly telling me you listen to molyneux or BPS or styx? Any of them?

Roosh gets a pass because it's not his main gig. He's not a pundit. He's already got a couple of well established gigs set up. He doesn't need to panhandle on youtube. His content is the fresher and the better for it. Though I only listen to it now and again.

I check styx, molyneux, bps et all almost daily, as a form of research.

Do you still want me to describe their demographic and give examples of their moral cowardice?

If you like them, enjoy them. Donate to them. Don't feel bad about it, we've all been there. But there comes a time to move on. To recognize that these people offer no solutions.

Maybe it's just me.

Tell me how they have bettered your life and I will answer your question as best I can.

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