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Avoiding sluts game

Avoiding sluts game

Quote: (01-07-2018 01:08 PM)the1element Wrote:  

I CANT FUCKING STAND how guys either think girls in bars and clubs are sluts and girls on the street are perfect.

One of the few night-game approaches I've done I met a girl studying to be a teacher and she was out with her friends for girls night out.

She was at a club and she wasn't a raging slut willing to slurp any dick that came her way.

Let's even look FURTHER.

What kind of girl doesn't go out at night?

A) A prude who isn't fun to begin with
B) A girl who has more important things to do (like work, school..etc)
C) A girl who has no girlfriends or friends AND NO social skills.
D) A boring girl who would rather watch mindless shit like Netflix with her mindless friends

Just because a girl goes out, doesn't mean she's getting obliterated and getting fucked up the ass by some criminal who just escaped jail. Girls are SOCIAL by nature. They should be out.

It's such a silly mindset to assume the good girls are the ones who stay in or the ones you meet in the day.

I'm a HUGE proponent of day-game and meeting girls without online help but you're going to meet sluts and non-sluts through ANY medium.

I can't stand how RedPill aware men paint girls as black and white. There are sluts, there's non-sluts and there's EVERYTHING in between.

Life isn't black and white.

Connor McGregor met his wife Dee in the club, is she useless trash that should be tossed at the side of the road? Like most guys think "club" girls are.

I, like most guys on here don't find awkward girls attractive and I don't find club rats attractive either. I like a girl that's fun, isn't a prude, can socialize, knows how to talk to people and is "free" sexually with me. Too introverted of a girl is a turn off, same with super extroverted girls. In the middle is nice.

Sure, quality girls are going to be social, but that doesn't mean they go to clubs or bars. Being 'social' doesn't necessarily mean dressing in revealing clothing, paying exorbitant prices for entry fees and drinks, and gyrating on random male orbiters in the club. More often than not, quality girls will be at private house parties, inaccessible to night-time cold approach.

Hence the power of social circle game, and the potential power of day game to break into those desired social circles.

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