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Is she cheating?

Is she cheating?

Jetset called it. OP wont listen, just like any other newbies posting threads about "is she cheating/should I forgive her" wont listen. All his replies, while nice and polite (which I appreciate) are still him trying to play defense attorney for his cheating girlfriend.

What is interesting to take away is the whole "she's my first love / girlfriend" as the BIG main reason he won't cut he off. This again just proves that men are much more romantic and irrational than women.

While he's playing beta bux monkey branch for his girl after she has been dumped (because that what it was), she's playing the most rational, well-thought out plan to secure commitment and security while he's servicing her with his tongue (is that beta [Image: lol.gif])

Damn it WIA has a legendary post about exactly this situation but I can't find the original post. Here's what I remember.


She gave him (the ex) everything she had. She gave him her young, juicy pussy, and still it wasn't enough to keep him around. She was not good enough.

That's the girl that you just decided to LTR up. A girl not good enough to be another man cumdumpster.

So many problems in game could be eliminated simply by not getting in a LTR with the wrong girl. Now that he has been in a dead-on-arrival LTR for 2 years, she had fucked his mind enough that he doesn't even think about breaking up when he has all the evidence in front of him. Because MUH LOVE. He is at the point where he has invested in the LTR much more than her, because it's very clear that neither her mind nor her body is there anymore.

If that sounds mean, good, I intended it to be (quoting WIA again)

OP should stay in this LTR, drag this out for as long as possible until it all blow up in his face. Then maybe he will learn and he will come back a seasoned player with a seething desire to slay pussy.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

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