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Is she cheating?

Is she cheating?

Quote: (10-18-2017 07:07 AM)Kanasukia Wrote:  

3. She has a very guilty conscious (always apologizing for spilt milk)

Does this bitch have a guilty "conscious" or is she running guilt "trips" on you? I say the latter. Drop this bitch like a hat dawg, its over. You're her little "sweet thing", a boy toy. This bitch has you laid up with her looking at Instagram gossip like you're one of her girlfriends. The problem isn't with her, its with you, you have to reevaluate your whole approach to women and your life period.

And I have an honest question, what do you actually like about her? What values does she have besides the fact that "she likes you"? To me it seems you got all wrapped up in this broad because she was giving you attention and subconsciously you're afraid of losing it and starting over.

And stop questioning her, tell her this ship has run its course, break her down real smooth. Don't get into some goofy argument about her being a liar because all she will do is keep lying and flip it on you, you can still end this with some dignity and your manhood intact. You gotta be cold dude, because the only way she'll be satisfied with leaving you is if she sees you suffer, that's how women are. Just tell her you need a fresh start, we had a good run but its done, don't bring up any drama or anything. And like I said when she starts crying you gotta be a cold pimp, kiss her on the forehead and give the bitch her walking papers. Chalk it up as a learning experience

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