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2017 Hurricane Irma
017 Hurricane Irma
Well, I'm still here and won't be leaving. Was going to go to Atlanta but with the storm following me right up there, I don't think I would have been able to stay away for like ten days, just not possible for me. Plus the roads were clogged even Wednesday, just like last time, it's insane trying to get out of this hellhole. No idea if I'd even be able to refuel on the way up there. I'm in Palm Beach county, if I was further south I might have left regardless.

The place I'm in is concrete and has been through several hurricanes, so I'm not worried about that. My vehicle is exposed, that is probably my biggest concern. Also, a tornado ripping the A/C off the roof would be quite bad, I think the roof is concrete, not really sure. FPL better be fucking joking about this "weeks" without power. It's still routinely 90+ here and hot as balls, people will get heatstroke and die if we go a month without power. They've invested billions in the grid, I expect something better than 20 years ago. I have plenty of food and water and enough lantern power to make it well beyond the storm. Only one shitty battery powered fan unfortunately. Backup battery packs for my electronics. Car is almost full on gas. Fridge is filled with drinks, freezer is filled with ice. Think I'm gonna go look up my GPS coordinates, just in case.

In case anyone is unaware, Comcast/xfinity, in a surprisingly generous move, has set up wifi hotspots we supposedly will be able to use in the storm. Since they abolished the TV waves that handheld TVs could pick up, I plan on using their wifi to watch the storm through the local weather stations. These hotspots can be used be anyone including non-customers. They're listed as "xfinitywifi"

I find the forecasts almost entirely useless, yesterday they dropped the windspeed by 30 for when it was near me down to 115, and now it's back to 145 and a 4 again. Oh and the path is shifted west, again, after all models unanimously sending it directly over me yesterday. Nothing useful on the news or from the governor either, as usual. Sure, if it goes more westward I might miss the more intense hurricane level winds. But I'm not exactly rooting for that, there are people I care about on the West Coast and I'd rather them not be pummeled with a strong 4. Preferably right up the middle would be best I think, or eastward altogether as the northeast/right shoulder is always the worst and most intense. I am particularly concerned about all the fucking debris I see everywhere. There is construction around here, and they just left so much shit around. Are 145 winds going to be able to pick up those steel beam things? I don't know, there seems to be way too much crap lying around this close to landfall.

Not much else to do besides cook up the perishable food tomorrow and take in a few things from outside tonight. Just trying to enjoy the last few days with power and internet. I went and got a handle of vodka and fifteen pints of beer yesterday so I'm ready to just listen to music on my old ipod and drink till this is all over. Good luck everyone, hope the power comes back quickly this time.

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