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Black American Tourist Killed in Greece

Black American Tourist Killed in Greece

Guys, he was a 22 year old college kid on vacation. I just got out of grad school where I, as an adult, was constantly around undergrad guys on campus and out and about.

They are retarded. And looking back on my early 20s, I can now see that I was also retarded. You are asking an awful lot of the late Bakari Henderson when even most adults would react as he did to the situation.

Cut the crap about how he shouldnt have been drinking, or should have accepted a stranger striking him in the face and just tipped his hat and walked away like '"good day sir".

You arent as strong willed as you think you are, and you damn sure wouldnt have been that mature at 22 on vacation. So cut the victim blaming and please quit qualifying your condolences. It makes you look like a pretentious clown.

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